
  1. you're delusional mate. I bought in at 200$ sprt to gree. Down over 99%.

  2. If there is one post you read about BBBYQ this week, let this be that post, please. I wish you the best!

  3. It would be pretty epic for pp to walk into Pultes office and have RC sitting there.

  4. RC: "I like what youre doing pp and I want you on my team. How do you feel about taking on the role of director of hype department? We're letting go of Byron from LRC and need capable hands to take over. What say you?"

  5. no joke. i called in the doc and asked about their occupancy rate just in case. might get crowded fast in 2 weeks time. better reserve my spot.

  6. But don’t you know she wrote the rules on DRS 84 years ago???!!! Seriously though - agreed. Her ego and smugness don’t sit well. She’s dismissive when someone asks questions and generally unfriendly. I don’t find her helpful at all.

  7. She's been dealing with corruption and dumb people for longer than most of us have been Alive. Heavy burdens leave their toll.

  8. This is because it is just as stupid to short the stock as it is to buy it. Options are a no-go and you can clearly see how expensive it would be to short given the CTB.

  9. So as far as I know Fidelity does not have this issue so I don't know why people don't just use better brokers?!?

  10. Just stop harassing the guy trying to do his job and open a fucking fidelity account

  11. Fidelity doesn't operate in eu. Can't. Or we would.

  12. Can we act like we're actually supporting a business and less about our own wallets? Ask not what your company can do for you. Ask what you can do for your company.

  13. No. He's right. This shit is misleading. When did nonsense hype become normalized?

  14. Don't use t212. If Robinhood had eu branch t212 would be it. Shit broker. Never again. Use ibkr

  15. You think you are but you aren't. If you STILL use t212 you deserve to lose your ass.

  16. Bought at 13$. To hell with this company. non-stop bullshit.

  17. Very sad indeed. I spent countless hours every day during and post sneeze on SS and it helped me navigate through the pain and suffering of the early part of the saga. 🏴‍☠️

  18. yeah, holding deep in the red is traumatising. im a remote worker and had ss opened on 2nd screen non-stop for two years. watching it go from the hub of wrinkled'd dd to being censor heavy filled with shit bot memes was toxic. Saw SS infiltration for what it was a year ago already.

  19. November 21st is when the relief for Chapter 11 ends. Could get extended but who knows for sure. That's the only concrete date I'm looking at.

  20. im so sick and tired of goalposts constantly shifting.

  21. And I actually bought this piece of shit at 13$.

  22. Unfortunately you nut huggers became followers after this whole GME blitz few years ago and now he thinks his a goat.

  23. Sentiment is turning. Psyop falling apart. Ain't long now before his Twitter is filled with posts telling him to stfu and moaas already.

  24. Normally I let this dude waffle on, dont know much about him, nor do I generally care to find out. I see people posting his tweets here, generally scrolling past it as its comes off to me as long winded fluff about some random though that ran thru his head.

  25. Maybe he ought to stfu and put max effort in making gme make bank.

  26. Lmfao right That money is not meant to be invested in treasury and short term notes. It’s supposed to be used to turnaround the business and exponentially grow.

  27. Because I used to believe much more in the company. Have some faith still but a large amount of disappointment and I don’t have to constantly fellate “Papa Cohen” to be here. If you don’t want to hear anything negative at all there are other subs for you.

  28. What you're saying is common sense in every other financial reddit. Except this one. Don't bother. You're right but saying it in the wrong place.

  29. Thanks for sending me the mod invite. You know, I like what you guys are doing here, and I just want to be a contributor.

  30. Which Dr t post? What is it about? Direct link please

  31. Get yourself on drsgme . Org Lemmy and be done with this shit. Ran by people who brought you heat lamp DD and GameStop ledger info.

  32. The fuck is going on with gensler promoting Drs?

  33. Remember that time with game when fidelity suddenly pulled 12 mill shares to short out of their ass and apes called them out on it and fidelity publicly admitted it's a "mistake" and took them away?

  34. 12$ entry. Down so much I look at this piece of shit from time to time to laugh at myself for falling for the pump then forget about it until the next time it ends on my feed.

  35. He specifically calls himself an activist investor. His character trait.

  36. No, he doesn't. Lip service. Him and Fed and sec are all in on it.

  37. ftd only count for retail, if kenny gets ftds it s just fine🤡

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