
  1. Or, you just out chilling killing some infected and son pops up telling you that you weren't supposed to kill something..

  2. Mother does say fuck once in Heart of Deimos, although she immediately got interrupted by Otak

  3. Kaelli also says fuck in Kahl's transmissions but alao gets cut off

  4. Just joined a couple months ago and yeah I've had my fair share of frustration regarding interception missions. I finally settled on just playing Wukong (you can get it from the clan dojo), since he makes a clone that pretty much auto-clears each objective as soon as you get there. If you run around and capture objectives repeatedly you will get to a spot where you have full control and you can just run to objectives that are under attack

  5. "Nyehehe,those naughty Betrayers will never get me with that Bow Only- wait,Bow ONLY?! Arrows hurt!"

  6. Played Wukong poor dude got gangbanged by 2 nataruks

  7. DE last year: "We're nerfing Wukong AFK by giving the Wuclone limited ammo."

  8. My setup right now is just nataruk and the book lmao

  9. Started with swords (obviously) and ended up on boomerangs for my first playthrough

  10. My two mains are Hydroid and Wukong. They're just so cool. Wukong is obviously the monkey king which is cool as hell, but also I think the roach helmet is a really neat and fitting design choice. And Hydroid is obviously Davy Jones, the underwater pirate captain who commands the Kraken and that will never not be cool

  11. Didn’t he at one point make a comic about his haters portraying them as basement dwellers?

  12. That sounds more like something pizzacake or stonetoss would do

  13. Doesn't change the fact that she makes weird comics about her haters

  14. Next time just play max range hydroid and tentacle the whole map

  15. No, spells only fizzle if all of their targets become illegal. [[Hex]] does not fail if a single creature gets hexproof, for instance.

  16. The amount of times I've had randoms kill one of my Hex targets in an attempt to fizzle the spell is frankly embarrassing

  17. The white one that gives double strike is better than either of those.

  18. Lol of course the tenno would rather go commit more atrocities than be a comforting and loving presence to the cavia

  19. Is rent due today? Did you remember to tip? This may be your landking's way of reminding you to pay the rent and the 6000% mandatory tip. Just a thought

  20. Giving all us good Kinnan players a bad name smh

  21. Not even really Bant nonsense. He just kinda sucks. There's only a few decent ways in those colors to cast spells from somewhere other than your hand and they're all just worse than playing a pile of good cards. Maybe if the 0 mana suspend cards were permanents I could see a build around but as-is it's just not good

  22. This whole fucking thing was a blunder I should have never read that shit I'm gonna go kill myself now

  23. Fly-dolon. The roly poly. Easy fight once you've done it once. Drops wisp parts. Titania is a good pick for it since you have to jump on it's back a few times. You get a bunch of the amalgam mods from it too. Best done with at least a partner so they can be ready to push the button.

  24. Wukong also makes the fight mega easy. Just shoot till it dies and cloud onto its back

  25. My Dihada and Dogmeat decks are probably my two proudest creations right now. Especially the Dihada. The deck that I probably took the most pride in of all time was the Kinnan deck I made. I reimagined and rebuilt that one tons of times over the few years I played it, never got boring. Sadly I have concluded that it's impossible to make casual Kinnan

  26. Would love to see the dogmeat deck list. I have the slightly upgraded precon, but it lacks in so may areas.

  27. Knowing how red likes it I'd say both are trapped

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