
  1. First of all, it's FRANKLY not francly?? 🤓 🤓🤓🤓 🤓ALSO, the joek is that there is a TOWN called FINNISH in the Europe!!1! How can you not get the JOKE??MM

  2. Rule 5: Wiki says that megacorps cant build this building on planets that is owned by an empire that has the toxic god origin

  3. Build megastructures, negotiate with vassals, propose senate resolutions, planetary decisions.

  4. Samsung annab ka? Minu teada aint Nigeeria printsid annavad nii palju raha

  5. Ask questions how to look smart but then ruin it all my saying "when you isn't"

  6. You’ll get your rent when you fix this DAMN DOOR!

  7. Okay Preston we understood, but now come and mark a settelment in need of assistace on my map

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