
  1. That's not true! I'm sure he gets loads of attention from the priest.

  2. God doesn't give you suicidal thoughts, the devil does, and don't ever listen to him, he's stupid and all his ideas are fucked up and will never ever please you

  3. “Let’s tar and feather that guy that stole bread from Wal-Mart. Bet nobody will try stealing anymore. Make America Barbaric Again”

  4. First find some low level area to explore to get experience points and equipment, then go after the first level big boss, don’t forget to go to the save point first…

  5. The Gluttony boss (spoilers) has way too many cheesy mechanics imo so new players should go accept the quest from the Burning Bush first and tackle the bosses after the story

  6. I would highly, highly recommend spending the $17 to sign up for just one month of Ubi+ to check them out. Before dropping more money on buying them. Just in case you don't like them. This way you can check out ALL the older AC games they have on that service before buying them.

  7. There’s also the option of buying the physical copies from the Xbox 360 (if OP owns an Xbox that accepts discs) for like $3 online

  8. I have the DLC installed since the game was released. I have done episode one(Elysium) and episode 2(Hades) but for the life of me have never figured out how to get into damn Atlantis itself. -_-'

  9. Finishing Hades will take you to Atlantis. Have you defeated the final boss of that DLC? That’s when you get taken there. You could also open up your map, press the button that opens the portals, and choose Atlantis

  10. Yeah, defeated him like two years ago I think. Funnily enough when I started playing shortly after making this previous comment when I logged in I got the quest update to FINALLY get into Atlantis. Dunno what the hangup was, maybe something glitched on my previous computer. First time playing on a brand new PC so that's all I can think of.

  11. Same, however I am really on struggle mode with all the other "non-bee" bugs that come with it.

  12. Do you have a lot of invasive plant species? We let our lawn selectively go wild, meaning, we keep our eye on what's growing there and manage the invasives (aka try to cut them back as frequently as possible), while letting the native plants grow. This helps a lot with ticks, as many of the invasives have been shown to create a perfect tick breeding habitat. Look out for bittersweet, japanese barberry, multiflora rose, honeysuckle and buckthorn.

  13. That suggestion is a great one! Definitely will have to give that a try. The ticks where I live have a community where they wait for a person to touch grass and then jump on and start sucking, in an effort to bring blood back to their leader so that it can engorge itself and rise in power. Their goal is to create a singular, omnipotent goliath tick powerful enough to drain the universe of its Ichor and drown it in chitin. That’s what a tick told me anyways, I was interrogating it over a swirling toilet bowl so it could have just been blowing smoke. Stay safe out there.

  14. I remember when it had programs that was actually educational. I do t remember specifics, and being disappointed when they changed. A few years later history channel stopped being history too, starting with that triple damned ice road truckers “reality” tv nonsense. It was all downhill from there.

  15. I don’t know if it came before or after the content change but watching those alien documentaries late at night was the vibe

  16. My Hairiest Adventure still leaves me creeped out with the implications.

  17. The books about Horrorland and the Uncle/Father(?) that had plants in his basement or turned into a plant monster terrified me as a kid

  18. Lux is compatible with Dawn. I haven’t used the brighter version but I use lux orbis & lux with Dawn & love it, it’s only super dark outdoors 1 out of 5 times. Dungeons are super dark you will need a torch for those which I like that personally but I know why some wouldn’t.

  19. There is a movie about a walrus made of human flesh. I highly recommend not watching the movie Tusk.. it is pretty disturbing.

  20. Watched that for the first time when I was way too high, what a horrible experience. Great movie though

  21. The Hero of Kvatch. Mf escaped prison with the Emperor, helped vanquish a Daedric Prince, and then became a Daedric Prince

  22. There was probably at least one GoPro on board filming what went on in the hours after their accident. I kinda hope we’ll never find it…

  23. If there was and if it was recovered you can guarantee a movie being based off of it sometime in the future

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