
  1. God I hate these people. What are their names so I can be sure to avoid them? Are the on OnlyFans? I need to know so I don’t go there

  2. Hey look, the worst US President and the second worst US president 😂

  3. Don’t throw the word rape around unless he actually raped you, if that’s the case file a police report. Other than that I’m sorry for your situation, guy sounds like a creep

  4. The government is doing a good enough job killing the economy, we might as well get rich while the ship sinks

  5. All that tells me is “buy FRC!” Inverse Cramer action

  6. Yeah the mods are definitely taking their jobs too seriously. This is an online forum. I know it must be cool to have “power” over posters but it’s a volunteer position, they all need to chill out. Watch some mods is going to take offense to this and punish the post some how. SMH

  7. Yeah, because we as citizens, know how to act. The cops could take a few lessons from us if they weren't so fucking thick-headed and stupid.

  8. How do you figure? The majority of electricity comes from burning coal, the mining of cobalt and lithium is destroying the earth around the mines leaving toxins into the earth killing plants and animals, not to mention they are mined by indentured servitude. The carbon footprint for an electric vehicle is worse than most pickup trucks.

  9. I figure because I don’t listen to the science found on Facebook. It’s a myth that electric vehicles have worse carbon footprints than a typical has car. Yes their footprint to create the car is higher but over the lifespan of the car it will be far far less than a typical gas car.

  10. The lifespan of an electric vehicle is around 10 years. Half of that of an internal combustion. Not to mention modern internal combustion engines are the most efficient engines ever mass produced.

  11. So the actual price would be $15 ish per share. Still not amazing.

  12. It’s all being orchestrated for control, look at the signs. the worlds banking and political oligarchs were about to be outed for perpetuating a world wide child sex trafficking ring then the entire world shut down for a pandemic that turns out was vastly over exaggerated. Any political opposition to these people is met with weaponization of social/media and federal agencies. The public is being manipulated to be preoccupied with racial/identity societal issues that aren’t really even a thing all the while these banking and political oligarchs are systematically crippling the worlds economy and are attempting to implement a world digital currency, making VPN’s illegal, and pushing legislation that will give governments the ability to censor any and all information on the web. This isn’t just a fight against wallstreet the AMC movement is literally a fight against tyranny because those we are fighting are those who are manipulating the world for control. Stand firm apes.

  13. How about don’t ban anybody and let people have opinions. You choose what to read/listen to

  14. Because his dad never hugged him. We need to bring back public shaming.

  15. They aren’t completely wrong, what fuels a gamma squeeze is upside down borrowed shares. If banks/brokers can’t lend shares because they are DRS’d then SHF can’t go upside down. This is all theory and only works if the system itself isn’t corrupt to the core.

  16. Again, is she talking about her sex life? If so, that’s different from her mentioning she’s poly

  17. Mentioning and explaining what it is to the point that a child can repeat it in detail. I’m more curious why you are defending an educator explaining adult sexual behavior with children. Just accept there is an issue with some educators and those bad apples need to be plucked from our education systems.

  18. If they are explicitly detailing their sex lives to kids, yes. Otherwise, if they just say that they’re gay or trans and what that means, who cares? What’s the harm in that?

  19. This is where we disagree, a teachers sexlife has no place in education of children. If you believe it’s okay for a gay, straight, trans etc teacher to “educate” children under the age of 10 on sexuality and sexual preference then you are a pedophile, no excuses, no recants. Children under 10 are not sexual beings and there is absolutely no merit in sharing any sexual desire/preference with them.

  20. Hot take but maybe a bit of reading before spreading misinformation. The heartbeat bill and all others like it have a clause that if the life of the mother is at risk the termination of the pregnancy is not considered an abortion. There is a huge difference between termination of pregnancy and abortion. If you don’t know the difference or choose to ignore it for some dumb reason then please do everyone a favor and don’t vote. Obviously reading is hard and I wouldn’t want you accidentally voting for someone without knowing all the facts.

  21. What connects the problem of cops in New York raping minors in their custody; over-policing minority neighborhoods and harassing and punishing whistleblowers with cops in LA running gangs, trafficking drugs, and murdering whistleblowers to cops in Chicago and Minneapolis and Detroit and Florida murdering people and over-policing minority neighborhood and running off the books torture buildings and all the other fucked up shit they do?

  22. There’s a lot to unwrap here. “Over policing minority neighborhoods” do minority neighborhoods have higher crime rates? Burglary, theft, assault, drugs? If so then those neighborhoods require a larger police force. Police involved with torture, rape, and all the other things you mentioned should be thrown in prison. I’ll say it again, don’t generalize all police. If 1% or police are corrupt and 1% of black adult men have been charged with a crime does not mean all police are bad or all black men are bad.

  23. If you watched the video you heard he was pulled over for a suspected seatbelt violation. When the officer asked to see his license, he reached into his truck for his wallet and the officer started shooting. The officer continued to shoot even after the victim raised his hands.

  24. Don’t generalize all police, this is the issue. People say all police are bad or all police are racist and idiots out there believe it. It’s the same as saying all blacks are bad or all blacks are criminals. Idiots out there believe it. People should be judged by their actions not their profession or skin color. This cop was probably one of those idiots I was referring to.

  25. "Woke" is a buzzword the right keeps using to pretend they have values. Everything they do is in the effort to eliminate "woke" and they have literally no other platform. And the worst part is they can't even define it properly.

  26. That doesn't even make sense in this context. I'm not the one bitching about some amorphous, undefined thing as if it's going to destroy society.

  27. I don’t think you’re understanding my point of view at all. I think racists, sexists, homophobes and bigots should be shunned by society. But there is a huge difference between a bigot and someone that has used bigoted language or someone that has moral values that differ from the far lefts ideology. For instance, I believe trans women should not compete against biological women in sports. That doesn’t make me transphobic, I don’t hate trans people just because I have that opinion. Yet woke culture would demonize me if I were a public persona and label me as a bigot. That’s the problem with woke culture. They don’t know who their true enemy is so everyone with a differing opinion is labeled a bigot. I believe censorship is the most fascist thing imaginable and censoring someone with differing opinions or trying to get them cancelled is the opposite of progress. If someone doesn’t like what another person is saying then don’t listen, taking away their platform is denying their individuality.

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