
  1. y’all scream racism just to do it to another race.. pathetic

  2. I once had a supervisor who was an "average" guy, but his wife was drop dead gorgeous. Waaayy out of his league, she was a fitness model.

  3. You could taper your nicotine percentage down until you get to 0%, quitting should be a lot easier at that point.

  4. It's water emulsifying with the oil, it's got wet or you've dribbled in it

  5. No solution that I've seen so far. Anyone else?

  6. Please place a banana nearby so that we can gauge the actual size of the zucchinis.

  7. Due to the vast variety of culture and religion in America, I give my employees 5 paid holidays per year of their choosing. You don't celebrate Christmas? Cool, take a day for Kwanzaa. You're not big on MLK day? Ok, take Columbus day. Employees seem to love it.

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