
  1. If you look only at videos IDs of length 11 and accept lowercase and uppercase letters that means (2/62)5 times 7 because it could appear at rank 1-5,2-6,3-7,…,7-11.

  2. I do this SO often, it’s normal among young feminine Australians but international people give me shit for it all the time

  3. Why did you have to expose us to this? It's objectively awful :(

  4. Ul/ its impossible to create satire of extreme views that's exaggerated enough for readers to be universally able to recognize it as satire

  5. /ul You are correct I was thinking of some other law /rl I didnt forget the unlie

  6. /ul it's that every internet comment section will devolve into an argument about Nazis iirc /rl you smell

  7. [wɔts əp, wəz dəg gənə kəm? dəg ləvs bɹ̠əntʃ ] [nə ə, dəgz stək kəz əv ə tənəl əbstrəkʃən. ə tɹ̠ək dəmpt ə tənə ənjənz.] [əxʰ.] That was my shitty attempt at transcription. Might not be a hundred percent accurate. Guess where I'm from lol

  8. Can someone explain that one to me? Sire, flat earth, whatever, that's idiots being idiots. What's with his no-earth stuff? And why does reddit keep recommending me these subreddits?

  9. It is a VERY serious community that believes the earth simply does not exist. The algorithm wants you to see the truth, friend

  10. The atoms, or the location? Because even if I could summon 12 atoms of oganesson every second (unlikely, because of the randomisation) directly in someone's DNA I'm not sure that would do much. Atoms are tiny, and you can quote me on that

  11. I did I was just making sure. Yeah again even if I put 22 atoms of like fluorine in someone's veins every second they would probably have 0 complications

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