
  1. Can't be any worse than being the OP of this post asking for basic information.

  2. My guy, respectfully. Asking how to spoof is not basic information😂

  3. I wouldn’t even risk that shit😂 mold/mildew is super harmful, id buy a whole new ice maker😂

  4. You should definitely read this as a sincere representation of my views and NOT as something I wrote down for the amusement of other meth users. You know, people who are or have been in a similar headspace as I am and would actually have a point of reference here.

  5. Definitely will enjoy my work! Knowing i work for what I get is rewarding, more rewarding considering I could do what you’re doing and claim disability. But its in the mind:) you can think you’re living a better life than me but im 20yrs old, making 120k+ a year, c7 corvette paid off, and a house under my name… seems like im enjoying my “work” rather than getting a couple grand for being a lazy no good disabled baby. Have fun not workin for a thing in your life😂beta male energy for real!

  6. Shakepay doesn’t have support on the weekends and that is very well known. They are a small company and if you’ve done this 1000 times you should know this already. Why didn’t your friend just e-transfer you?

  7. You’re right but hes also right, if they’re going to be a currency handling company whether its used for investing or for personal use, its gonna have support so people can get their money.

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