
  1. One of my partner's former PICs had a great line for folks like that. At the end of the transaction, they would send the customer off with a cheery 'hope you have the day you derserve!' With the sweetest smile

  2. I saw Mythical Sausage's video this morning and realized the time had finally arrived. I have spent the rest of the day...some 12 hours now exploring and being amazed. I must say, it is a much different experience roaming the map than watching a video. I keep seeing new details that I never saw before....and new builds I somehow missed despite watching most of the Hermits.

  3. Omg, I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. I hope you recover soon.

  4. I am really enjoying the game so far. I love skilling and crafting games. The balance seems to be well thought out, which is always a plus. Combat is enough of a challenge to be interesting but not overwhelming.

  5. Now if I can just figure out an alternate use because I don't own any plastic bags... They're taxed in my state and almost everyone has moved to fabric and the holdouts use paper bags.

  6. Honestly, the time I hopped in my nether portal not knowing another player had led a ravager in there, lol.

  7. I could not believe everyone held a straight face! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. I'm not so sure she even knew judging by her Twitter response when people mentioned her!

  9. My guess would be not, lol. I was laughing so hard and fully expected the cat to knock the jar off.

  10. If you can get your hands on any, the popcorn AMC just put out is pretty damn good!

  11. We use the Exqisicat paper crumbles. Odor control is great and it's light weight, which is important for us as we carry it upstairs.

  12. They are aware their future is to be bacon and consider it an hor to do so by flame.

  13. Absolutely NTA. My daughter got married last fall.2 of her siblings are nonbinary. Her response? Wear what you are comfortable wearing. They did, the wedding was wonderful.

  14. We've hit three stores in 2 days and had zero luck. We'll keep trying, but this has cemented my distaste for Walmart even further.

  15. It is absolutely diabolical to me that at a time when so many working adults are pushing for (and making progress) living wages, the child labor laws are being undone.

  16. https://www.ky3.com/2023/03/08/sanders-school-voucher-plan-gets-arkansas-lawmakers-ok/?outputType=amp

  17. This needs to be the top comment. While the repeal of the child labor laws in Arkansas is pure evil, using this photo from a completely different bill being signed amounts to disinformation.

  18. Real question: whats evil about it? 14/15 could always work with permit and the village removed the permit requirement. Did I miss something?

  19. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.wsj.com/articles/states-look-to-ease-some-child-labor-laws-amid-tight-market-a46322c6%23:~:text%3DFederal%2520law%2520prohibits%252014%252D%2520and,they%2520aren%27t%2520in%2520school.&ved=2ahUKEwio9Pf60df9AhUGm2oFHQo0CxUQFnoECBUQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2k9lNipjPcaj7lI0DoGLcN

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