
  1. Pain Res should honestly affect all gens and be infinite like the other scourge hooks instead of just limited to one gen per hook. I only get 4 regression events total during the game when gens can have up to 8 done to them? How is that fair?

  2. You've gotta be joking man. Blinding isn't in any way, shape, or form a "vital" part of playing survivor, it's just a fun and engaging optional mechanic. I'm a surv main who always brings a flashlight with background player, I too get sad when I realize the killer brought lightborn or Franklin's but I'm not gonna sit here and act like that takes all the pressure away from my team. 9 times out of 10 survivors with flashlights end up losing health states or distance or snowball the game just for a little satisfaction (completely understandable, I too am addicted to getting pick-up saves and doing unnecessary shit to spice up the match).

  3. Absolutely valid. If I see two or more flashes in lobby, LB is go. I have zero patience for chain blind squads. Especially knowing they're also probably running flashbangs and head-on.

  4. Lightborn needs to be nerfed tbh. At least distortion makes survivors work to get tokens in order to block auras. But killers get to block all flashlights, indefinitely, for free? Literally requires no effort from the killer and negates a vital part of the game. It’s worse than OG dead hard in my opinion.

  5. I believe it needs a secondary function, like increased kick speed sounds cool

  6. Honestly, I think they need to do away with kicking gens all together. Entitled killer mains think they should be able to kick my gen up to 8 TIMES after I’ve worked so hard, all day, to get that generator done! How is that fair? They get to just erase all my progress?

  7. This is the kind of stuff ruining the game honestly. Survivors get free BP? How is that fair?

  8. No shot it’s not one of JpJ,Barton,the Oregon state kid or Johnny newton

  9. I’ve got my purchase order for a JPJ jersey ready to submit the second the pick is in

  10. Guess you enjoyed when Connor would have a bad snap. JPJ scares me as a future center (unless you mean as guard)

  11. I mean as a Dolphin in general. He could be the water boy for all I care, man is a stud O-lineman and great locker room presence who would only be a net positive for this team

  12. Honestly, YTA. You should be hardware banned for taking this game hostage not them. They’re just having fun and you’re trying ruin it by refusing to give up. Disgusting what this player base has turned into

  13. You're right. Completely right. I have seen the error of my ways and will look to improve my behavior in the future. Please accept my apology and promise to do better.

  14. Hate to be that person, but I think you just need a better gaming chair.

  15. that would be something they'd have to pay for to put into the game. I think they should just put posters of their own chapters in the theater

  16. Exactly! Why pay to develop or add extra cool immersive features into your nearly decade old game, when you can recolor and sell the same skins over and over? Some people need to take a basic economics course.

  17. It is not based on what is more important but what is easier to confirm. Plus, the cheater with cosmetics he shouldn't have definitely manipulated mechanics as well.

  18. So what about the survivors that looped me around a jungle gym 5 TIMES then hit me with a pallet as soon as I got my first hit and blinded me? Are you telling me I shouldn’t report them for exploits? They’re very clearly ruining the game for me and exploiting in game bugs like pallets and windows

  19. Trickster without a doubt. Imagine the club and the neon city.

  20. Bully squad survivors would make me hate the map though. Teabagging and flashlight clicking towards me would make the map insufferable and leave a bad taste in my mouth about it. Just throw the whole killer away at that point

  21. I think they could do away with needing to be on death hook.

  22. To be fair, survivors should really just start on death hook each game. I’m going to kill them all anyways, why make me go thru so much trouble and waste 15-30 mins? BHVR really hates experienced players, always coddling the new guys

  23. Honestly, some challenges like this one are just too much. Are you really telling me I had to walk nearly 10m just for a challenge? BHVR loves making the difficult challenges that force you to throw the game

  24. Holy crap my dude(or dudette). I've seen you make a weapons grade sarcastic comment on nearly every DBD post I've read today.

  25. We need a game mode that’s just all bots. I want a real challenge instead of the usual dumb survivors failing at flashlight saves and sabo builds

  26. This is why they really need to nerf Kindred. Literally gives survivors wall hacks, how is that fair if I want to camp a hook?

  27. literally just go further away lmao ??? it's only 16 meters that's enough for proxy camping, and you need to be this distance away anyway to avoid the camping meter going up (just not in endgame)

  28. Except when it’s paired with Open Handed. Now, I can’t be within 32 meters of the hook on either side. Creates a circle with 64 meter diameter around the hook. Given the average map is ~150m x 150m then that makes approximately 20% of the map unplayable while the person is hooked or else the survivors have wall hacks

  29. Huntress is perfect except for her hitboxes on survivors. In my unpopular opinion, we should just remove hitboxes entirely and just make her hatchets heat seeking missles that always hit. It takes away the strong learning curve required to play her and makes survivors stop complaining about unfair hatchet hitboxes when the throws were actually all skill and they just suck at dodging.

  30. I’m guessing they were bled out? That’s sucks man. In my region I often get matched against this scumbag trickster named revvium who slugs everyone. I often run boon exponential because it’s THAT bad

  31. That’s actually wild you say that bc I just faced them tonight. No matter how many times we picked each other up, we would eventually just get slugged again

  32. I get the entity being an ass to survivors, stealing usefull items to make it harder but why steal from killers too like I work for you asshole,there should be a killers union for better working conditions

  33. The idea of a bunch of killers in suits around a table for their monthly union meetings cracks me up for some reason

  34. Oh no, we extended the QB that led the NFL in passing yards, say it ain’t so!

  35. Didn’t you hear? Extending Anyone who’s not Mahomes level is cringe and meme worthy

  36. Let's be honest, southwest Georgia is the ass-end of Georgia, and Albany is the hole.

  37. Serious question, just took a job in Albany but I’ve never been there. What is so bad about Albany? Is there anything I should be aware about?

  38. Valdosta 20 years ago, sure. The city has been slowly turning around for a while now. It’s exploring currently and one of the top 5 fastest growing cities in Georgia! They even just got designated as a metropolitan area recently

  39. Great post! Queef directly on my corneas and dip my dick in battery acid

  40. So funny, Neve! Use your excrement to make homemade Mac and cheese and feed it to me like mommy

  41. No seriously. What dirt does blights power designer have on senior management at BVHR?

  42. I imagine it’s one dev that’s a blight main who buffs him every time they get cooked in a match

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