
  1. Please be accurate in describing the moments and plot bits that you think are plot holes.

  2. in all the 17 years since I first watched FMA 03, I just now noticed in the scene where Izumi leaves with Al on the train, in front of them Mason is covered in sweat from the fact that Sig apparently fell asleep on his shoulder and this is hillarios. I still don't understand who the hell Mason is for them.

  3. Congratulations, you have discovered Deontology, where killing fascists is no different from killing non-fascists.

  4. This is true, but the game world itself never proves him wrong or contradicts him in any way. The Vox just get turned into enemies that are never shown doing anything positive for the people they are liberating, they just start scalping mailmen and office clerks. They even end up being the closest thing the game has to a 'final boss' with the defense section at the end.

  5. What a bad Ken Levine, who equated the crowd of ressentimental ideology carriers with the Comstock gang. Bad, very bad Levin.

  6. Idk man, I prefer 03 than BH and think it's a masterpiece too but it definitely has some plotholes.

  7. Not my favorite of her design. But I still love your drawing)

  8. Masses arent necessarily right. There is a lot of manipulation and misinformation going around and a lot of uniformed individuals dont know how a country is run and what It takes for It to work (ie. Taxes) I dont even know why you are getting mad at someone else for stating their own opinion. In the case of argentina, Milei has won among other things because of the incompetence of previous governments, which doesnt mean he isnt an incompetent leader himself, people haven't realised It yet, but a lot of his policies will backfire, just give it some time.

  9. Is that why life under an aristocratic republic is more efficient, I suppose?

  10. That’s literally what a government is for.

  11. Nope, but according to them they're fighting "human animals"

  12. Who are they? The fact that Israel must be destroyed is recorded in official Hamas documents. Where is it officially recorded that Israel's policy is to kill Palestinian-Arab "human animals"?

  13. Israel’s constitution says it’s an ethnostate right now

  14. So what? Gaza is not part of Israel.

  15. I've searched that episode up and down. It ain't there.

  16. It really was episode 49, but it wasn't about Marco, but about Nash Tringham, who was Marco's colleague.

  17. Yes, the only explanation for why a maligned ethnic group would be associated with the use of the word terrorism is because they are all inherently terrorists. This is why Instagram 1943 automatically translated "Jewish" to "Traitor to Germany," because they were all actually traitors to Germany.

  18. Apparently, neighboring Arab countries also slandered Palestinian terrorists after the assassination of the king and the hijacking of passenger liners in one Arab country and the outbreak of civil war in another? Who is the doctor for these maligned guys?

  19. Ironic how 03 Envy looks more androgynous than Brotherhood Envy, when 03 Envy goes by “He/him” while most people refer to brotherhood Envy as “they/them”.

  20. This is doubly curious because 03 Envy originaly has a heteronormative male appearance, but he deliberately chooses to look androgynous. Given that he hates the human species, it can be assumed that his deliberate choice of androgynous appearance is rather a gesture with which he wants to express his "superhuman".

  21. Majority. Ashkenazi people are genetically half Semitic.

  22. It is clear that there is no objective assessment of the art of storytelling, but there are better and worse arguments. It is also possible to determine in advance what we consider good and bad and proceed from this by offering arguments. I don't really understand what the problem is with arguing about the overestimation of any story, if it happens in good faith.

  23. It wasn’t Dante who showed Nash the underground, it was Hohenheim in disguise. The animators do a neat little trick to show you this by making the scene fade out to Russell and Edward who are standing in the position of their fathers respectively.

  24. In the flashback in episode 49, it's easy to see a female silhouette. It was obviously Dante. We have already been revealed who Dante really is, and that is why the Director chose to portray the mysterious alchemist in this way.

  25. The figure in the robes was practically featureless. I figured it was Hohenheim trying to dissuade Nash by warning him with the truth.

  26. There are definitely feminine features in the figure. Firstly, the hooded robe is not one piece. This is a cape with a hood thrown over the back. You can see the dress from the front. The second sign is narrow shoulders, even compared to Nash, not to mention Hohenheim, which is huge as a closet. And finally, the figure repeats Dante's distinctive gesture - holding the cloak with a slightly protruding hand. She also held on to her shawl before she transferred her soul into Lyra's body. This gesture was also obviously added to establish a connection between the figure and Dante.

  27. Anti, prefix, Semitic, suffix. What does antisemitic mean? Oh weird, not what the prefix and suffix imply

  28. I'll tell you a secret. The word homophobia does not mean "fear of gays." The meaning of words is determined not morphologically but through word usage

  29. This is my point. Phobia by definition means obsessive fear, but in common usage Homophobia does not imply fear of gays. Also, not only Jews fall into the Semitic group, but the use of anti-Semitism does not imply rejection and hatred towards all Semites. Only to the Jews

  30. Arguable. The French fought for freedom unlike the Russians who fought for an unachievable communist utopia and gave power to an even harsher dictator. The American independence sure had its own effects but we shouldn't ignore the French revolution.

  31. As a result, Napoleon came to power, who was actually responsible for World War Zero. In other words, the French Revolution not only had virtually no effect on democracy in the world, but also on democracy in France. Almost all models of democracies, to one degree or another, simply copy the American model, with the exception of adding their own features.

  32. every time I see this type of news, I admire the Western civilization even more. democracy does matter and Western Europeans lost their lives to have it. The French did more for the world during their revolution than the entirety of Russians.

  33. I'm not in favor of banning abortion, but do you really not know how libertarianism and rejection of abortion relate?

  34. As far as I understand, there will be no supporting images.

  35. The Holocaust? You're so stupid. Will there be any images confirming the material in the post or evidence from other sources not referring to this publication?

  36. Do you honestly think if that happens all terrorism originating from Gaza will cease? 

  37. If you insist that the humiliation of Hamas will not change the situation with terrorism, then this literally means that Israel will have the right to full occupation

  38. The result of the pool, as always, is expected for the same reason, I don’t think it makes sense to comment on it.

  39. At first, I wanted to write a more restrained comment and before moving on to criticism, I wanted to pay tribute to the work done, but then I realized that I didn't really care.

  40. Dude that's a lot of words to defend indiscriminately firing bullets into a crowd of unarmed starving people while you're an occupying soldier. This is the same bullshit people say about the many British massacres of colonial subjects because the soldiers felt threatened or felt like it.

  41. Yes, and it's justified, you have a fucking video proof.

  42. I read it as "this guy really doesnt like Dostoievsky" and it made so much more sense

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