
  1. The older I get the more I'm realizing how much of a thing pretty privilege is. I ain't complaining, I've definitely benefited from it...but it's not really fair.

  2. Never really thought that it would be a thing but only recently I’ve realised it too. Wtf, why is that a thing

  3. Just chill in peace, let go of all worries and do what I feel like doing

  4. Probably something slow so I can take my time to strategise. A mass murdering sloth, mayve

  5. Why do they have to be born? It’s all random and there are no whys in randomness

  6. A good cpu for a gpu is the one that doesn’t bottleneck the gpu. Games rely on the gpu if the gpu is being bottlenecked then might as well toss it out of the window and get a lower end one. I’m 100% sure that 3600 will bottleneck a 3060 card. If im buying a 3060 it doesnt mean that i have to play at 1440p. I will play at 800x640 if i want and still the cpu shouldn’t bottleneck my gpu. So suggesting someone a cpu from ancient times to go with a gpu from a year back is an insane thought. If cpu bottlenecks the gpu in title released this year imagine what it will do for titles released next year you expect OP to buy a new cpu every year? Lastly you are suggesting the same cpu for two cards that dont fall in the same category, 3060 is atleast 15-20 percent faster than a 2060. Sure 3600 might be able to handle 2060 but no way it handles a 3060.

  7. Sorry didn’t know you worked for nvidia having access to 3060 a year prior . Typical response.👋

  8. Depends on how the legislation and lawsuits go .. if the datasets are cleared up.. if copyright is respected. If we get fucked over by big tech then I think they will squeeze us until legislation is fixed to a state where business can work again and labour is respected. There is no future for the internet that rewards spam and doesn't respect copyright.. only a very idiotic future and that's unsustainable. There is actually a great opportunity for ethical players to come along and snatch viewership and users under these idiots that are prioritising the AI hype. I wouldnt jump on any hype trains or try and educate myself on how to become dependent on these "tools" And if we get no wins on the law side of things then we have bigger problems than a reskilling .. think about how corrupt the whole thing is if this massive IP theft is legalised.

  9. Think the IP is the idea. I’m just talking about the development of the idea into a piece of software. There is no ip no copyright no legal issue in the development stage

  10. I'm guessing you have never actually written "enterprise" software, lol. Current AI is just a language model. It has no concept of what a "program" even is. All the AI knows is how to string plausible sentences together and, to some degree, code. You might as well try to ask Stack Overflow how to write your whole program.

  11. I made an airbnb clone in react node mongo just by giving instructions to chatgpt didn’t write a single line my self, guesses and hunches is that all you do?

  12. I thought being stoic is a good way of life but you make it bad somehow

  13. Probably phrased it wrong but men who don’t easily share their emotions. They were raised old fashioned kinda. Does that make sense?

  14. Ah, in that case anything they do for you that doesn’t benefit them directly. Taking you out, waiting for you, driving you places, helping you with stuff etc

  15. I’ll just head out to buy milk and cigarettes and hope the next guy does a better job with my family

  16. I’ve been trying to quit cigarettes and this is the first time in a week that I’ve thought of them and now i want one and alse want to change my answer to me

  17. 9 but it was just an fwb. Formal actual relationship was 12.

  18. You serious? Here on earth? At 9 years of age? When i was 9 I thought humans hatched from eggs let alone be fwb

  19. Was positive when i was positive and was negative when i was negative. However cutting it out of my life as freed a lot of time and energy. Although there are a couple downsides such as social circle shrinking and unawareness of “trends” but overall being away from it is a big positive

  20. I would say just be yourself and they’ll come around but I retract my statement after reading your username

  21. Because it's fucking wrong. Unless the person trying to "get into" the crack without approval already has a whitelisted ID to "spoof" it with, they're shit out of luck.

  22. You change it to the hwid of the person who shares their crack files, you brilliant fool.

  23. playing the game right now, works very well!!! p.s even if i sent u the files, it is hwid locked!

  24. Get over yourself. It's an opportunity to learn from someone older and more experienced. Ask him why he changed it. Maybe he had a reason. Something easier to read. Learn his expectations. It'll make you better.

  25. Can you give me the exact sentences that I should say in order to ask him? English is not my first language.

  26. As a fellow software developer, my advice is this - accept all changes as is unless they negatively impact the working of the program. Not all fights are worth fighting.

  27. The thing what bothers me is he doesn’t ask me to change it if he has some problems with it and just goes on to change it by himself. I’m a dev with 5 yrs of experience it makes me feel stupid…

  28. Can you refrain from ever looking at facebook, twitter, reddit, youtube, insert all others?

  29. Yes, if you look at the bigger picture it is indeed correct to say that people are addicted to social media. I guess you have to weigh the pros and cons because it also has changed lives of many.

  30. Depends on your definition of ruining; but most probably the internet

  31. No one is better than anyone my guy, why seek superiority?

  32. I prefer not judging people and living life by doing what makes me happy, not by trying to project a status so other people think I'm important

  33. White female in western Europe. Not a country, but yea.

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