
  1. It looks as if the alignment machine did not print the before measurements correctly. No one who does an alignment wants to do it if you don't need one.

  2. no matter how many times you flap it 1 fucking drop of pee will end in your pants

  3. That would have turned into an awesome horn but you totally ruined it.

  4. I hope the rapture really happens. A world without Christians would be a paradise.

  5. I love cats. But the Drake multiverse continues to astound me.

  6. Pour a salt circle around it and send it to The afterlife with fire.

  7. let the police know your buying so they can watch over the sale safely

  8. Make sure you Dial 911 immediately from your personal phone if they rob you.

  9. Many non venomous snake species and spider venomous or not are referred to as a beneficial pest. If a spider species does not appear to display excessive movement or spins an intricate web and does not typically display violent behavior, it is unethical to interact with it. Even relocating it would be a mistake as the spider has set up shop in a high traffic area. A reasonable way of making a spider move without interacting with it is to move the light source that attracts its food further away from the home. Another alternative you could try changing the color of the outside lights or inside light, this can have a drastic effect on the insect species drawn to it.

  10. Where's the video of her cutting the lemons with the battle axe???

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