
  1. If it makes you feel better this is inevitable.

  2. Idk about you guys but I hear Brain Needle and Grainstorm

  3. I just want to say that it is not a knockoff of star wars because they are LAVA guns not lasers.

  4. Boeing is fucked now no matter what happens. All they can do is recall the fleet.

  5. Or they could just do analysis and call what he is saying as bullshit.

  6. They made the right call to nerf a gimmicky strategy that was flooding the market. This actually says the opposite of what you stated. They do care about economic balance and the strategy they saw was never their intent for it. It's the same reason they nerfed running maps like slot machines to get divines. People would all just dogpile on that method soon if they hadn't.

  7. You guys are all just parrots saying the same "facts" that you think are truth from an echo chamber effect or a documentary you now take as doctrine. What would Boeing have anything to do with a 10 year old plane's engine that they don't even make themselves.

  8. Got my first natural div drop yesterday - Lvl 98 and about 200d invested in my build from other drops.

  9. I have 4 days playtime atm level 98 and found one divine.

  10. Are you just bossing, because that seems nuts to me. Are you doing any juice at all?

  11. I would say 1/4 of that playtime was bossing. However, I've done about 1000 alch n go t16 maps all with fully juiced atlas and not gotten any. Honestly I've never had such bad luck before than this season. I've found many things worth over a divine just only 1 raw divine drop.

  12. I think these mods are OK. They force players to come up with interesting build solutions. These problematic mods are really only a problem at the very end game mapping levels.

  13. I have a friend who works as a train conductor and he says these people drive him nuts. They are constantly trying to get close to the trains which causes safety issues for them at intersections. He also said its annoying because people are just constantly taking pictures of him and asking him questions while he is trying to work.

  14. I got a 10 minute mute for simply saying "Korean" in chat. That was it.

  15. I think there is a big misconception in the way you see it and the way most people see it.

  16. You are making the exact same argument that people do for rent in the real world. It's almost like capitalism drives proced exactly to where they are painful to most people.

  17. Access to new spectre corpses from any source is functionally a DD buff. This league it is the Meatsack monsters from the Allflame of Meatsacks and also potentially some of the "new" (old but maybe no longer tagged as a boss) t17 monsters.

  18. How overturned is it? What is the peak dps range?

  19. It's overturned in the sense that you basically get your damage from desecrate + corpse levels + gems. The rest of your build just focuses on being tanky. 

  20. Thanks. That's what I was sort of assuming was the case. Good to get to mid tier dps but difficult to push to ubers. People were talking about it as if it was some free does all build which doesn't seem to be the actual case.

  21. It's absolute garbaggio. I've done 10 Catarina and gotten 2 veiled orbs and that is it. The loot is 90% junk scarabs.

  22. Yeah, needs some sort of a third-party tool calculator where you put numbers and it spits out what corpses you need to maximize your odds.

  23. Better yet just take the corpses ive found and tell me the best item I can make with them.

  24. I'm tempted to swap to this from exsang, how is the playstyle, is it basically just a CoC build when it coems to maps?

  25. You have to switch from CwC around t14 as the damage dies off rapidly. It's super tanky but damage is meh. The build will struggle to clear shaper without about 8 divine of investment.

  26. Level 94 and doing t16s. Not a single divine found yet.

  27. The whole recent Boeing FUD is way overblown. Typical media sensationalism. No one even died and half of the problems were actually just plane maintenance issues or bad luck (bird strikes).

  28. So 99% garbage just like ventors. Cool waste of time.

  29. The corpses need to drop in categories with a common reward type (e.g. affix tier) that let you choose the modifier type after. All the crafting should be from the UI menu... walking to graves sucks. Let me choose the base type exactly.

  30. He sounds right... but Kid Rock is also a fucking idiot... so now I am torn.

  31. Anyone else notice everything is now a witch hunt? Its like lawyers learned a new word and try to put it in every sentence they say.

  32. Sounds like something a witch would say. Get him boys.

  33. Sounds like something a witch would say. Get him boys.

  34. Ate a big burrito, pooping now, informed the wife and child i won't be present, changed to my spin bike pants to save my ballsack and phone to airplane mode. Ready to go.

  35. Maybe they should make a simple statewide database of lease contracts that the police can use? If you aren't in the database then you can be kicked out. Both parties submit paperwork detailing the lease term and amount. It's not like the government doesn't already know your address anyway.

  36. Enkis Arc Witch. Heard that was S tier.

  37. Oh good you stole the same post from yesterday abd just flipped the image.

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