
  1. If this is true, then why have recessions become less frequent AND less severe over the past half century?

  2. Regardless of whether it is smart to let your kids out after 11PM, parenting decisions should not be enforced by the state, except in cases of preventing abuse.

  3. this is a good video, but this dude is incorrect regarding the making loans. They are not creating new money out of thin air, they are employing a strategy called fractional lending where and if you deposit $10,000 in the bank, the bank may hold onto say $3000 of that and then lend out your $7000 in a loan does not create $7000 out of thin air, it is simply that they are telling you that you have $10,000 (which in the event that they do not get their 7000 back from whoever they lend it to, they will simply repay you out of their own coffers)

  4. The Federal Reserve set the reserve requirement to 0% a few years ago. Banks really are making money out of thin air now.

  5. He's saying that it needs to be a real power on the global playing field, one that can make offensive moves, not just react to capitalism from within it. The only thing is that I'm not sure how he's using the term universality here.

  6. I think he's referring to a gramscian cultural counter-hegemony.

  7. Union and gretel for burger. Stop along, Lou’s (Gold Coast), or Pequods for pizza

  8. Off topic from burgers and pizza, I think that the place right next to Union, Lardon, is 10x better. But they don't have burgers or pizza.

  9. I'm very out of the loop, could someone explain the difference between the two candidates for me?

  10. From what I've read, there are a surprising amount of men that have experienced terrible and traumatic things that even their partners don't know. I didn't really get it at first, but it has to do with emotional vulnerability. Generally speaking, most men are not comfortable with that. Society has programmed them to be fortresses that lock emotions away. Often times their biggest commiseration comes from their male friends.

  11. I feel the need to comment on your first paragraph. It's not society that conditions men to hide trauma, it's women. I feel the need to call this out because dodging the problem means it never gets solved.

  12. I got kicked from some of my favorite anarchist subreddits for posting on men's rights subreddits about how I got hatespeeched for being a man on a date.

  13. My high school English teacher told me "You're happily walking down the road to failure" in front of several other teachers and students.

  14. The exorbitant privilege of issuing the world's reserve currency.

  15. NTA. You had sex with the understanding that neither you nor her wanted children (birth control). It's unreasonable, and life-changing, for her to keep the baby when you both had sex with the understanding that you both did not want kids to come from it.

  16. Mothballing the liquid fluoride thorium reactor. We could have had near-infinitr safe, green, and cheap nuclear power nationwide. Instead, the military pushed for light water reactors because you can make nuclear bombs with them, but you can't with thorium. Heartbreaking for our wallets, the planet, and humanity at large.

  17. It is a relevant fact: the Postal game series isn't great, but the series is a running joke with chubby chasers because one of the characters is a very fat woman who has a lot of loud sex. I think that when OP says "I am into fat bitches," he's actually explaining why he installs the Postal series alongside popular games, despite the series being pretty bad. Cause he's into fat bitches.

  18. Where can I learn more about this theory/framework? It's very interesting! Any book recommendations?

  19. Morality is aesthetics. We will never have the moral high ground due to morality being aesthetics, and women having an innate in-group bias.

  20. I can't get my bank apps to work on GrapheneOS. If anybody knows how to fix this, I'd really appreciate it.

  21. Henry Dexter White. He rightfully won the democratic nomination at the convention, but Harry S. Truman had his mob buddies cancel the vote and rig it.

  22. Men communicate through syntax and context, women communicate through tone and emotion. To men, words are symbols used to express information. To women, words are symbols used to express emotion.

  23. Yes, and I'm glad it is. It is a terrible, terrible media form. Making money through advertising incentivizes writers to stretch a story onandonandonandonandooooooooon. This results in the majority of screentime being filler content, and the plot having no meaningful consequences for characters, because no one wants to see their self-insert/crush die off.

  24. I'm a professional economist for the federal government. FDR was the best, Reagan was the worst. We can get into the weeds about the 17 and 1800s, but from WWII on, FDR and Reagan have been the two most impactful presidents on the US economy - the former built the middle class out of the great depression, the latter destroyed it.

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