
  1. This fine for speeding is not "steep", it's ridiculously low, especially in comparison. Someone I know recently got a 61 euro parking ticket for parking 5 minutes in a designated parking spot without paying. Nobody was endangered. OP speeds within the city and pays less, that's absurd.

  2. We got fined 55 fr in Switzerland because we put our Parkschein inside our car and thought the system will scan automatically. Nope we were supposed to put it under the windshield so cops can see it.

  3. Thanks for the info! Other than that, what MicroSD card should I buy with? And how many gigabytes in a microSD card are supported?🤔

  4. Lmaoo I love how the entirety of this website has this cognitive dissonance drilled into their brain

  5. Wouldn't call him alt-right but he's been associating with the alt-right crowd and buying into dumbass conservative conspiracy theories.

  6. Ahh hell nahh!! Who is hs associating with?! Please don't tell me Nick Fuentes

  7. Oh damn Destiny is really effective at appearing to be not super fucked up at first glance.. it took me a long time to see his true character.

  8. So Lichtenstein is such a small country that they can't even have their own castle?

  9. Antarctica shrunk like my penis when swimming in its freezing waters

  10. Nope in many countries data is still very costly plus less speed .

  11. Bruv France is like the worst country to speak on this topic.. couldn't he have asked another country's rep to make this point?😭🙏

  12. "a worthy death" reads like Death took this one appropriately, where the sentiment im sure most people are leaning on from the story is of "a life well lived"

  13. Absolutely Terrible that one of them gets more views than the actual creator

  14. This will go down in meme history as one of the best ever. Congrats OP!

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