
  1. I think half of our LTR surveys are people compling about prices like we can do something about it

  2. Imagine the hell hole you have to live in for this to be a thing, lol.

  3. Correct. Drug use and our sinks being used as a shower got old really fast. These have made things a lot better for us.

  4. I took time off work to drive imto Indiana to experience totality. Experienced 2017 too.

  5. In Australia. These licensed big sets don’t go on discount. They sell out and you have to resort to third party.

  6. Kinda. It’s better than the 20% markup price that 3rd parties charge.

  7. Exactly! Less is less!! I’m stoked for you, internet stranger. Happy building!!!

  8. You are today’s recipient of this internet strangers badge of honor. It has no value and ultimately means nothing. But my goodness do I respect the fuck out of this!

  9. I do not think anything happens after you die, because you are dead so nothing could happen. I believe what happens after the event of your death is that those who loved you experience a tremendous amount of grief. Which, if all goes well, will lead to growth and healing from within them. It all comes down to the impact you have on those you interact with. But, what the fuck do I know? I’m just shapes within an app, on some screen, that cycle through your neurological functions which allow you to understand what’s being said. Because, you are alive to do so!

  10. I actualy love volcano manor for some sick and unexplainable reason. Also limgrave is giving me the great feeling, its just the atmosphere and stuff, but i love volcano manor more, not gonna lie and dont know why.

  11. I work in a Las Vegas store and I’m always seeing celebs come in and one of my paint regulars is carrot top.

  12. The real crime is Byrgenwerth. It's supposed to be the catalyst for all the events in the game and was the origin point for nearly all the organisations in Bloodborne and its like 3 stories tall and has one balcony so that Master Wilheim can stare at the lake or jerk off or whatever. Some of my relatives houses are bigger than Byrgenwerth ffs

  13. I just pretend that the Raya Lucaria Academy is what Byrgwnwerth was supposed to be.

  14. Now, I went on the internet and researched ostriches. Firstly, ostriches can run up to seventy miles an hour. So catching one, even a sick one, is a super tall order. Secondly, when a male ostrich, it's called a cock, fights over a female ostrich, it's called a hen, they're known to kill each other by head butting. Finally, ostriches use their legs to defend from predators. And can use them to kill even their largest and most deadly enemies, which are fuckin' lions ... You wanna know what? You should feel bad for even suggesting the Ginger and Boots fucked an ostrich. Bad gas travels real fast in a small town. My research concludes that the only way the Ginger and Boots could have fucked an ostrich is if it was a dead ostrich.

  15. I saw it a couple weeks after my mother passed away so I think it was very open to its message. It's a beautiful film, I can see why it's love or hate though.

  16. And yet people still tell me “you think Darren Aronofsky wasn’t well known 10 years ago?!??”

  17. I’ve used my planner for a whole week. Let’s see how next week goes.

  18. Are you using a pre made one or just a notebook with your own format? I'm interested

  19. It’s not “designed” that way. But it’s closer to a convenience store so the potential is greater.

  20. maybe not, but you wont even let them feel welcome on the only guaranteed place they have left, the street.

  21. What? I let them feel welcome in the place that I work every day because I understand that it’s a warm space for them.

  22. Great! Let’s send all the Seattle homeless to federal way.

  23. Go for it. I don’t know what point you’re trying to make but I do not give a fuck about the homeless here. I, personally, am completely neutral to the situation. I have more important matters to focus my attention on.

  24. The use of the word “precious” really emphasises that last sentence.

  25. It’s really the most graceful way to contextualize our existence. Time is precious. Because it can be taken away from us totally randomly.

  26. Without reading any comments I imagine it’s like E. Hondas 100-hand punch straight to the uterus.

  27. Get ready to answer for your crimes. What are your crimes? Literally everything!! Enjoy the ride. Torties are fun!!

  28. Its simply mediocre now. But yes, it used the be practically inedible.

  29. That’s how they got us! It used to suck. Then it was great. Now it’s just meh but still better than it used to be.

  30. Holy hell. Thank you for the hefty laugh, stranger. You are today’s winner of “internet comment of the day” for me.

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