
  1. I might be wrong but I though I heard somewhere that Cid is inspired by Robin Williams, specifically Dead Poets Society

  2. Make me think of some Scfi films where there were planets inhabited only by robots and I always wondered how it would be possible for nature to produce machine life. Now seeing this, from what I thought was fantasy is an actual possibility.

  3. Rare really outdid themselves with the soundtrack in this game and Jet Force Gemini

  4. My uncle was just showing us these smoke jar kits he bought for his clubs and restaurants saying it’s crazy the amount people will spend on food/drinks that is presented in these jars and barely does anything for the taste.

  5. For me it’s how unique it is, how it can combine all of these different situations/settings without confusing the plot.

  6. https://giphy.com/gifs/6a67zVJ0wMMOzg3YKA

  7. I loved my Juke, the switchblade phone lol

  8. https://giphy.com/gifs/ZCBUgJM2w8lZ6ChGEs

  9. Double down fries more like double dead holy shit

  10. Sorry but that’s Skyward Sword for me.

  11. Zach: Chris has one Little man tattoo and one Juwanna Mann tattoo

  12. Zach screaming JUWANNA MANN like he found the cure for cancer is golden

  13. I’ve been meaning to watch Juwanna Mann for real lol

  14. I know in photoshop or illustrator once you make a PNG there will be a prompt asking you if you want the PNG to be formatted with a background or transparent.

  15. Test of fear took me forever as a kid, the part where it psychs you out towards the end is the worst.

  16. Why extend the dead end trap areas? lol

  17. Never wanted them to grow up honestly lol especially seeing old spike.

  18. Little buddy be like 👁️👄👁️

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