
  1. I hope this makes it to Steve from Gamersnexus :D

  2. 100mb/s 50€ 5ms Ping Freakin Germany

  3. Distribution and manufacturing of physical discs is easily below 1 dollar. The store wants a bigger cut though.

  4. That’s very cool of you 😊 I got into PC gaming when I was about 7 years old. We had no money or need for a gaming pc so I spent a lot of time at a friends house. They had multiple pcs in their hobby room und his older brother showed us Warcraft 3 tower defense. That’s the first game I ever played, if I remember correctly the second one was age of empires. My friends older brother built my first PC when I was 11, I watched and learned and to this date I love PC hardware and gaming.

  5. Depending on the reaction of LTT and especially Linus. A forum post is not enough, this needs a very public statement in video form or at least on wan show. If that doesn’t happen I’m out.

  6. He’s not speaking about the valid criticism on wan show? Might be the last wan show I ever watched.

  7. LTT handling the billet labs case is just disgusting. Giving viewers wrong data, trashing their product without testing it properly, agreeing to return the prototype and then selling it on LTX, potentially to a competitor. I can’t describe how disappointed I am right now.

  8. Some of us will already be dead in 5 years 😞

  9. If you haven’t played it go for either Witcher 3 or mass effect. A lot of playtime and both are a masterpiece

  10. Just played titanfall 2 campaign last week for the first time and it was great. Just 5 hours but great 🙂

  11. Anyone have a copy of the JayzTwoCent's deleted 4060 ti review? Lol I want to see that

  12. This hits different with the current ASUS Motherboard crisis going on…

  13. Is that a big ass subwoofer it’s standing on? 😄

  14. 6 years ago? Maybe. Today? Definitely not!

  15. Would have preferred some RTS like Warcraft/AoE/AoM/American Conquest etc.

  16. Especially food and the non-essential items like coffee and donuts

  17. Exactly, eating 10-20% less would greatly benefit at least 50% of the population.

  18. Ar this point I think banks create these posts by themselves to get people into options 😂

  19. I heard the current pc version isn’t very well optimized.

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