
  1. Parental alienation. Why didn't Goldenflower get the chance to see Tawnypaw after she left and before Tigerstar died?

  2. 100% possible. I have had cats sleep with their arms bent like that. Cats are a liquid not a solid basically 

  3. Using ... too much for pause/dramatic effect in the writing.

  4. Ashfur. Squirrelflight dumps him and suddenly he turns into Darkstripe. Wait that explains it, because Darkstripe isn't written any better either.

  5. Honestly Leopardstar using reddit would mean she finally found the braincell the Erins took from her.

  6. lol? how did she find/lose her braincells in this context

  7. Well she found the braincells to be able to use a computer, learn English, and type

  8. I saw someone like this talking about Erend from the Horizon games.... like hes well built, with a culture with a heavy emphasis on drinking alcohol. Also its well established that he drinks to excess when upset.

  9. Erend is so not a lightweight. Guy's been drinking since he was in the womb basically!

  10. My longest one (444k) I started out of spite and a want to see my rarepair kiss and breakup and kiss again and then get alien engaged!

  11. She was mad at TC for Whiteclaw's death, not Silverstream's burial. Her apprentice/basically adopted kid was more important to her ya know.

  12. This has got to be a copy/paste from ffnet. It reads like ffnet-era fic...

  13. Why would it? Ps5/Series do just fine with games that have higher graphics. It depends on how well you, the user, treat the console.

  14. Better advice: add it to the end notes of the fic! Barely anyone uses the profile on AO3, so it's best to have it in the notes. And at the end means it's going to be seen

  15. There's no way no one in ThunderClan wouldn't recognize them at a gathering tbh, especially one of the queens in the nursery with her! Misty is basically a carbon copy with pelt color, they would've known the second Mistypaw and Stonepaw were announced at a gathering

  16. Oh the author has seen The Horrors understandable take mh kudos have a nice day please

  17. You can get those cables in sizes far longer than 64ft. And if you need exactly 64ft, then someone who knows what they're doing can cut it to that size 

  18. I love gen fics where it's family feels. I need to write more...

  19. The number of posts bitching about it nearly rivals the number of damn fics that do that

  20. I read a tomarry fic as a JOKE and then was like, "wait, this served" and then jumped down the rabbit hole. The pipeline is crazy

  21. Was it the enemies to lovers that pulled you in or the Dark Harry ones? 😂 

  22. There is a LOT of tentacles in YuGiOh. Vrains especially.

  23. Good gods please leave. You're calling a child "it" like you're talking about a coffee table. You say you don't blame the kid but your wording speaks volumes.

  24. "Character A discovers B and C are morosexual" coupled with "He wishes to undiscover this"

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