
  1. Sounded like vampires was giving a bj

  2. Maybe cos you showing your interest in them and staring at them too much? Those guys maybe together.

  3. It’s all about confidence level. Gay or straight if you don’t have self confidence you will feel not getting along with human community. Just stop thinking what others might think about you.

  4. He is strong. Imagine when he pushes

  5. That’s one of the way to do charity.

  6. Stop sharing this fake, we all know there weren't only 2 on the boat

  7. Lmao I’m so naive and I thought there were really 2 guys only. Was going to ask what happened to the boat.

  8. Whether true or false. Anything you do in bed shouldn’t tell publicly.

  9. Pride month is always needed and LGBT existence needed to be taught. Same sex attraction is normal

  10. Seems like crypto is very popular among young ages

  11. Never step my feet on Middle East

  12. Its a lot of money yes if you had a million cash laying around. But having a few hundred k in retirement 100k in cars 200k in cash and 400k in a house is a million but you wont feel it

  13. What is more happy than owning no debt and can live well with salaries.

  14. Here is one place waiting for your mark 😉

  15. I jerk off every day and I don’t jerk off to straight porn but gay porn because I feel attracted to handsome men. If this answers your question. And being gay doesn’t mean attracted to all kinds of men, there are also “not my type of men”. Usually the stupid, uneducated, racist, loudly speaking, dirty, not take care of own looks, smelly…Those are big turn off.

  16. There are no rules that men should be attracted to women only. Society makes ppl think gay is weird because it’s against what human has been taught. If you do things that majority don’t do you will be seen as “weird” and left outside society. Gay is not wrong as long as they don’t hurt others ppl. Gay is just a sexuality preference someone likes men, someone likes women, someone doesn’t like anyone at all.

  17. They think “we are cool” but 99,9% ppl here think how dumb.

  18. That’s nice but I would be careful. There are still ppl win lottery so everything is possible.

  19. As long as you pay him to be with you no matter how small the money is, it’s not real friendship.

  20. If someone is saving does it mean the others are losing?

  21. Then the inflation will be very high in us.

  22. Niin kauan kuin kannustetaan rasismia, tai vähemmistön, heikossa asemissa olevien ihmisten…syrjintä, ei ongelma a voidaan ratkaista. Ihmiset ovat erilaisia, jotkut ovat vahvoja, terveitä, jotkut ovat heikkoja, sairaita, köyhiä, toiset ovat sosiaalisempi kuin toiset…mutta ei tarkoita sitä että ihmisten heikkouksia, erilaisuuksia voidaan kiusata, naurata. Lapsia opetetaan sekä koulussa että kotona että muita ihmisiä kunnioitetaan.

  23. What’s to trap? Staking rewards plus the monthly air drops are quite something to compound :o)

  24. You won’t get this kind of volume and liquidity when the bear hits. Better to cash out now if you are holding big chunks.

  25. I’m intrigued why these sort of posts weren’t popping up back in Nov 2023 when we were around 1c or less.

  26. Fud to buy your “cheap flare”.

  27. What is different between enjoying sex with men or with women. Both moaning in the same way.

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