
  1. I find it annoying that DMs want dex checks for almost every single fucking tool. Yes, you're using your hands so some degree of dexterity is involved, but you need to know how to use the fucking tool to begin with. I'd argue intelligence is often more relevant for picking locks than dex is. It's 95% technique and the knowledge of how to do it, but every DM i've ever played with instantly would make it a dex check and wouldn't consider any other stat.

  2. Picking locks is about dexterity. Even morons who have single digit IQ can do it.  You need to apply the right pressure on the pressure bar, to little and the tumblers won't stay in place, to much and you can't pick it. You then need to find all the tumblers to disengage them one by one, then figure out what kind of tumblers they are, for security style ones are designed to thwart picking attempts. Furthermore you want to do this as accurately and as fast as possible. None of these steps require any form of intelligence

  3. Harsh is fine if discussed and agreed prior but these encounters clearly aren't designed for the level of the players.

  4. right? like I am running a game set in the mournland in eberron. the players survived the mourning and have to survive the aftermath in a dark souls sequence game. and even with it being tough by design(players knew this when signing up) that sort of shit is just pedantic.​

  5. Omni Man is definitely planetary. Him and Mark blew up a planet simply by driving through it.

  6. And Vageta at his weakest we ever saw him, before he got to earth with a single attack destroyed an entire world.

  7. I would say no. While Yamaha is a potent fighter in his own right. Even later versions of him are not the strongest there is. After the freiza arc Yamacha was not really able to fully keep up. Hell he was the first to get bodied during the android saga and they had little issue with him.

  8. I feel like if the dragons discover that there was an orb of dragonkind was in the possession of someone they would nuke that place like they did to the giants.

  9. Why doesn't everyone get addicted to gambling? Cigarettes? speeding? video games? fast food?

  10. The game doesn't have rules for not stopping shitting, but you don't see people run games where they need to roll some bs mechanic for stopping shitting.

  11. If you know their phone number, Request insurance quotes using that. They will then get so much spam insurance salespeople calling all the time.

  12. They spot a festival going on, They can go and play games, win prizes. Do skill challenges such as using athletics to ring a bell with a hammer, Chase a pig through a maze, use their intelligence to solve a puzzle. Even has a entertainer with a dangerous creature escape and the players are asked to help detain it.

  13. I don't normally condone break checking, But I would specifically just break check this guy and then drive 20 under the limit, and proceed to move in front of him every single time he did it.

  14. Pretty sure it's a girl, not everyone is a guy 😂 good way to get healthy tho either way

  15. So everything tastes like grape koolaid? That lasagna? sure ok, That bland oatmeal now tastes like grape koolaid?

  16. Why did he put a dolls dress on one of his shits he took and took a picture of it?

  17. If I come home or woke up and saw this, and you, being my child (assuming over the age of 15 of course). I would immediately kick you out and then threaten to disown you.

  18. "Imagine a scene from a movie set in the 1920's. You see a wide range of people of various occupations, of species. All of the ones you see here in the upperwards have perfectly tailored suits that show not much wear and tear. You see a few children chasing some strange contraption.

  19. Why does its butt look so big? And abdomen so long. I actually thought it was a rove beetle at first but that's probably just looks like a really weird ant to me.

  20. Ants come in all sorts of weird shapes and sizes. Chances are that is a carpenter ant of some sort. But without clearer pictures cannot tell.

  21. Aside the dangers in the place, it was only deadly upon first manifesting. Now it is a place twisted with magic gone wrong.

  22. to play devils advocate. if he enjoys the content, and the twitch streamers are pretty good people. Then its on him. its his money, Could he have saved it? sure, but same can be said about something you do that others do not like(not judging anyone here)

  23. Probably has the IQ of a pencil shaving if they think they need to open their door all the way in order to get in.

  24. It's not a theory as that happens a lot but yes... You may have a double log-in as well. It may also help show who has the compromised account.

  25. I might just take up something similar in my games, Just include a picture of a cat somewhere on the map, And then make it fairly small and kinda out of the way. Then wait for the players to notice it.

  26. Good look for the mini. But For me. I kinda imagine a warforged beholder to be a bit more abstract. Would have the head look like a in-between of the titan and the standard looking warforged we know and love. Then having a set of rings like that one bibically accurate angel rings that rotate around it to serve as the eye beam emitters. Where they can "detach" from the main unit and be able to move farther away.

  27. George washington was just happy having his monument as a symbol of his "johnson" So of course Bezos goes to one up him.

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