
  1. there are so many things I wish my mother had explained to me when I first encountered them rather than just shouting at me that it was wrong, that i only realized the reasons for later in life. things like: using water and electricity costs money, wearing revealing clothes could put me in danger, and when I made up a nickname for a friend that turned out to be a slur, that would have been a valuable teaching moment to explain to me what slurs are, rather than just telling me my new funny word was horrible to say and leaving it at that

  2. The whole "wearing revealing clothing could put me in danger" is a very horrible way to put it bc I wore nothing but hoodies and sweatpants my whole life and yet I still got catcalled and assaulted by random men.

  3. If you're hostile and cold and punish them for whining/crying/tantrums, rather than teaching them what those feelings are and showing them healthy ways to deal with them, you're setting them up to be explosive and emotionally unregulated adults.

  4. I used to have a TY Frogbaby from when I was born in 2001 before my sister's ex-boyfriend's kid stole it right in front of their eyes (he was born in 2011). I tried telling everyone it was mine since it was released around the year I was born and they just didn't give a fuck and let him have it anyway.

  5. Mine is probably gone too, but what's gonna happen once the world runs out of Webkinz codes? I guess we'll all be switching over to eStore pets only, but still.

  6. I mean... I don't think folks who have passed away are going to be too troubled by it.

  7. After TikTok is gone, Twitter needs to go next.

  8. Can't speak for all people of this older generation but I don't think they view therapy the same way younger people don(as in seeing value in it). From my experience, they're happy to discuss with a family member and if they say something to support their case (ex. "I don't get rid of many things because I might need them someday") then that's good enough to validate their behavior.

  9. I agree for the most part, they don't view therapy like we do and they're too close to death to receive any kind of meaningful help in time.

  10. I feel it's because the majority of white Christians are dying off and all the younger white folks (those who are still Christian at least) are tired of the way the church is run and quit attending.

  11. If animal control won't do anything chances are that the cops won't do anything either.

  12. I find it weird that a lot of kids are more well behaved than grown adults.

  13. When the kids at school would buy propel and those red/white/blue popsicles with jokes on the back nearly every damn day.

  14. A little late but if you copy pasted it with a space at the end it should be fine

  15. they had a doll line where you could switch their faces but i can't remember what they were called.

  16. Some white people shouldn’t get box braids and the like because it will damage their hair.

  17. No, because other people (and probably the government) would force it onto nonverbal/mentally ill kids for being to much of a challenge. I get that a lot of parents try to act like martyrs for having disabled children, but deep down they would absolutely euthanize them given the chance.

  18. When washing plushies, you don’t need a lot of detergent, just a few drops of liquid detergent or a pinch of powder. Never soak them with a large amount of detergent.

  19. If you can’t borrow a fan from someone, wait to wash her until it’s a warm day, and let her dry out in the sun.

  20. I would love to do that (I prefer the fan) but there's lots of theft in the area and my parents house has loose dogs roaming the streets.

  21. The Adventures in Care A Lot stands out to me the most while Unlock the Magic feels like a generic CN cartoon that flies under the radar

  22. Sometime people don't really get an option outside of fast food especially in the rural midwest

  23. i forced my parents to get me another pet I already had just so I could unlock the song 😭

  24. Also not to mention that school food is the only food some kids get regularly. Sad but true. If there's one thing I won't complain about my tax money going to, it's for helping kids.

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