
  1. She looks a lot older than 42 like a couple decades older. Damn her skin is absolutely trashed. Those age spots are not going to get any less as she hits middle age.

  2. I don’t understand why someone who was already skinny would do ozempic. Do people realize that losing fat on your face makes you look considerably older?

  3. I suspect she might not have the healthiest relationship with herself. Remember the "contract" she had with Trevor, where it was stated that if she got pregnant, she must have a nutritionist, and all kinds of things than ensured she would bounce back to her figure. Yes, a contract was signed (!!!) Also, being in the show-biz makes people lose reality about looks and weight. It is sad, tbh.

  4. Someone who never attended a single polo match in her entire life and has no idea what to wear. And refuses to take advice or recommendations, since obviously she knows better.

  5. I thought the evil royal family made her wear neutrals so she wouldn't stand out!

  6. I was in a Japanese restaurant in Munich and when the bill came, the waiter asked me “how much do you want to pay?” Then, because the bill was 39 and I gave him a 50 and told him to keep 40 (I was going to give him some some 2€ coins I had in my pocket), he asked “only 1€ tip??????”. That was the first time ever someone feeling entitled about my money. It left such a bad taste and obviously Im not going back anymore.

  7. I'm blocked, too. I think if you follow any accounts that are critical of the pair (at least the prominent ones) you're blocked. He's nuts. The best thing is it's really no loss. If you really want to see what nonsense he's writing you can look him up using DuckGoGo on mobile.

  8. It's the same for some "royals subreddits". I commented on Princess Eugenie's look. It was just a compliment, and I got banned solely for being part of SMM.

  9. I tried to give her album a chance because I’m a lamb but hearing songs like this and knowing the back story was just icky

  10. I don't know why, but my Twitter feed had a lot of sugar tweets yesterday, and I just love how not even now Meghan gets attention, like literally no one gives a F about her. If she goes silent for months, it's a relief for the people.

  11. no idts bc you can see the other planes outside also LO is the biggest saudi celebrity

  12. That can be staged, too. And don't get me wrong, I just don't trust anything on SM anymore.

  13. She had the guts to ask them for money AND housing when she took a semester off but couldn't even pick up the phone and say "thank you, my dad will cover it from now on". I hate this, too.

  14. Side note, how is that glass measuring cup FIRE PROOF?

  15. She didn't. She just stamped her name like many other celebrities/influencers do nowadays.

  16. His eyes are filled with hate and evilness in S4 whenever he interacts with Stephanie and/or he tells Holly to move out, he's not acting.

  17. She’s human. A teenager girl, at that. Humans, especially young ones, are often naive and ”weak”. It’s human nature.

  18. I tend to forget they are teenagers because of the cast's ages, but you're 100% right.

  19. Your husband recognizes his mother's issues, and you're already distanced. I don't think there's much more you can do. Let her go and focus on your own family.

  20. He's still the delusional, arrogant man that would live on her sister's couch.

  21. It’s honestly insane she slapped her in a restaurant, even if she was annoying af. Like imagine that happening in real life. A woman slapping an elderly woman across the face, i’d be so shocked.

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