
  1. I think a better way to go about it is sit down and reflect why you haven’t succeeded so far. Then figure out how you’re gonna change it. Speak to your professor and ask them for advice on how to improve and ask them what’s wrong with your strategy

  2. Yea dude,YTA. Having a stroke doesn’t mean you’re the center of the world.

  3. Philadelphia is the first city ever to lose 3 championship games in 3 major sports in the same calendar year 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  4. All tanks are garbage, I guess you could argue in favor for tank destroyers because of air assault but it’s still fairly bad. There really isnt any „best“ among the support units, they’re all pretty great and have specific tasks they’re suited for.

  5. You don’t need a Meatshield if you’re somewhat active. Tho that being said NG have about the best HP-Cost ratio

  6. Yeah. As an Amon-Ra I’ve been trying to trade him for Tee +

  7. Why would you expect Amon ra to be worth more than Tee? Tee is likely getting traded to be a 1 and the lions have Jameson coming soon.

  8. I’m gonna get downvoted but I’ll say it because I think it needs to be said, Matt lafleur is an average coach and we’re giving him too much credit. We’re gonna fire him in like 7 years and it will be 8 years too late.

  9. Sure you are, specially when you make comments complaining about being stuck in diamond 3 😂

  10. I complained about dropping rank. I guess you’re not only bad at the game but you can’t read. I also quit the game for a year and came back like a month and a half ago. I have no doubt I’ll reach masters within a year. Being hard stuck legendary 2 is not impressive.

  11. "I'm diamond 1 and now I'm full tilt" (lol D1) idk if English is your first language but that means you're stuck, nice try at calling me stupid though ig

  12. It’s funny that people compete russia to the US, when NATO would absolutely steam roll russia

  13. The US would steam roll Russia itself. People don’t realise the us is more than decades ahead of the rest of the world in military tech.

  14. We dont have a Njigba and in case you haven't noticed, we don't do 1st round wideouts. Personally I would rather see Mayer. A security blanket sounds wonderful

  15. You got downvoted for speaking the truth. Have an upvote. We’re gonna draft another Georgia defensive player.

  16. I’m dodging every wr in this class unless it’s a late first or early 2nd dynasty pick

  17. None with bulletproof profiles that's for sure.

  18. I loved JSN but looking at his tape and watching him a lot as a buckeye fan I don’t know if I’m biased or not. Can’t say either way

  19. Can we also call out the practice by sheiks to keep rubbing their forehead till it leaves a mark, in order to show off how much they pray?

  20. Its ok. I think a lot of brawlers here are overrated or underrated but overall I give it C

  21. Corum was the best coming from an Ohio State fan. Bijan is more talented but corum had a better season

  22. Excellent news, some taco in my league will take him and leave an actually good player on the board

  23. Pretty stupid all around. Added fuel to the fire of character concerns making it less likely he goes in the first in real life.

  24. Please do then you’d leave all the actual good late/mid first rounders

  25. Wait when was SAW nerfed? I only remembered when they reworked his kit so that CP SAW became a thing with the ulti cannon splash and the shank

  26. Right before the game was killed and the meta was fun. When supports couldn’t 1v1 carries

  27. Yeah I don't see why WP SAW is buffed, it's gonna be sawpocalypse in randumb/newb games after this lmao

  28. Saw should’ve never been nerfed. The game was killed the Mets saw was nerfed and literally as soon as nivmett left so I trust his judgement

  29. Im not exaggerating when I say this. Justin Herbert has lost me about 6 games this season. Multiple times he was my last player playing and multiple time he got me like 10 points when I needed like 15 from my first round sf pick. Herbert is dead to me. I don’t particularly care if he wins superbowl mvp or mvp next season.

  30. I’m glad to see a pats fan that’s not blindly defending him. Maybe you’re not all bad afterall.

  31. I want that Messi isn’t gift wrapped a goal by a paid or bought referee to start the game. It was so disheartening to see the match start that way

  32. Idk but it just seems inappropriate & irrelevant to me

  33. Dua is worship even if it’s for worldly or something as small as a shoe lace.

  34. Lol JJ is easily worth more than 3 1sts and Bijan is worth less. The value gap is very large there. Only somebody absolutely stupid would take Bijan over Jefferson.

  35. You’re getting downvoted for speaking the truth. Don’t trust the hive mind of this sub. If the hive mind ran a team they’d be 0-14 every year

  36. Maybe because it takes time to learn an offense? And gunning is just gunning?

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