
  1. There gave been irregularities and fraud. Just none of them large enough to change the results. Mail-out ballots without request should ve what the discussion is about. . .I know people that have moved twice and still have the old adress on their license. Also, if you are just too lazy to vote, you shouldn't get a vote. That's just begging to become even more of a welfare state. You have the right to vote, but you should have to take just a tiny bit of initiative.

  2. There's never zero fraud but I think it's safe to say when we're talking about single digit numbers per state, that's more reassuring than troubling.

  3. I don't want fewer people to vote. I want the people who are paying attention to vote. I'm not saying suppress the vote, I'm saying get out and vote, or ask for a ballot. Georgia and Michigan are good examples of states that were gamed.

  4. Dead lifts are the posterior chain king.

  5. No, that's wrong. Glutes are incapable of performing knee flexion. You're confusing them for hamstrings.

  6. OP said his quads were dominant. He should strengthen the entire posterior chain. Hammies, glutes, lower back too.

  7. They used reddit as a major source of learning, I believe. So. . .

  8. Major is a term used to relate comparative scope.

  9. As an engineer, this Common Core stuff is how I taught myself to do math while growing up. Always separate things into 10's, especially for multiplication, until you have some nice easy single numbers then sum everything

  10. As a non-engineer. 9 is easier to subtract 1 then 8 is to add 2. So 8+9 turns into 7+10.

  11. Many ways to come to the right answer. Whatever is comfortable is what you gotta use

  12. Yeah, my nephew taught me all the "lingo" last year. That was the hardest part--just understanding the ridiculous verbiage they use.

  13. How can anyone still believe masks prevent covid? There’s sheep everywhere.

  14. The downvotes! It's obviously because you forgot to put "cloth" masks. /s.

  15. He had four years to do this and failed. If anything the deep state got even deeper.

  16. But a bunch of Americans woke up to the embarassing state of capitol hill. More Americans than ever are paying attention now, we just need to keep those people away from the legacy media lies and misinformation.

  17. Margin for error In the poll is 4%. Also poll was not of "registered voters" so the results aren't even really useful.

  18. The poll that has Trump WINNING GEORGIA? Wtf poll did you read?

  19. I mean... What's there to investigate? Rich politicians son is a clout chasing coke head. This is par for course in DC.

  20. Somebody isn't paying attention/spending too much time with the bots on

  21. Nah that subreddit is braindead. I try to read the primary source documents to get my info. You sound like a NPC. Who's Twitter feed do you get your info from? Lmao

  22. Never had a Twitter account. The articles I read are generally more than a couple hundred characters and written above a 6th grade reading level. Biden's whitehouse has impeded investigations that should be happening. Trump's "crimes" are just a ploy to imprison the DNCs biggest threat.

  23. I’m not gonna lie, being that scared of dirt is why we all get more sick lately. Back in the day we played in shit and mud and thought nothing of it. Never get bad sick and don’t have any ailments. Lol

  24. You're about to lose a bunch of reddit points. But I'll give you one. I agree. I feel that working outside in the sunshine and "eating lots of dirt" is a major contributor to my lack of illnesses

  25. Biggest DROP in housing prices? The fuck you talking about? Since 2002? You smoking crack?

  26. The energy inflation should be higher. It's being artificially lowered by Biden releasing nearly ALL of our strategic reserves.

  27. I'd guess the issue might be how she acquired them. Working for the NSA has its perks I guess, until you get caught

  28. Exactly this. Don't stand in the way of an investigation if there is nothing to find. You block investigations and go after people when you have something to hide.

  29. Yep! Also McConnell and Romney torpedoed every chance to fight bsck by Pres. Trump.

  30. Arguing with the liberal brigades is a waste of time.

  31. It’s probably a team of managers. I mean, when a tweet from the Office of the President has the potential to cause billions upon billions of dollars of movement on the Stock Exchange, it should be left to a team of top communications experts with focus on public policy.

  32. Just make sure you reorganize those ETFs in your trading account before you release that tweet!

  33. I agree. Terrible ideas can still become popular. See Germany 80 years ago for reference.

  34. Getting rid of the red threat and increased public wellfare was popular. Neither the war nor the Holocaust had meaningful public support.

  35. The point isn't that he shouldn't have gotten a ticket for doing something wrong. The point was that because he was so broke the ticket had a very big impact on his life thus teaching him a lesson and now he hopefully doesn't break the law. The ticket worked as it is supposed to. But for the rich the $250 ticket means less than nothing. I make $120k/year. A $250 ticket wouldn't even register on my finances. Their point is that tickets should be on a scale and be as effective for the rich as they are the poor. If I were to get a $5,000 ticket then that would have an impact on my life. It would make it so my life was affected enough to were I would hopefully think twice about speeding. For the dude in the video a $5,000 ticket might be like a $250 ticket to me. It means less than nothing. It is more annoying than it is anything. Some people argue that tickets should be based on how much money a person has and not just the act. Maybe this dude should be fined $20,000 for something another person might be charged $200. If the idea is to make them stop doing it then it has to be a big enough fine to actually make them stop. People aren't downvoting you because they think speeding is OK. They are downvoting you because you missed the point of the conversation.

  36. If you get big enough, or too many tickets you lose you license. Driving without a license leads to jail time. If you speed constantly the punishment eventually catches up to you. A tiered fibe system seems good n the surface, but thrn folks that are unemployed can speed for free? Retirees can speed for free? Drug dealers with all-cash businesses can speed for free? It has the same drawbacks, but on the other side of the spectrum.

  37. You lose your license if you can't afford to fight the tickets. People get away with rape and murder because they have enough money to fight it. Getting some tickets is nothing.

  38. If you are not financially secure then don't speed.

  39. This is also unfortunate, because it is clear this is another attempt by DeSantis to continue flushing out any semblance of progressive governance. The current leadership is awful, but I can't imagine DeSantis cronies would be any improvement. Just a complete shame all around.

  40. I mean, Gainesville governance has been bankrupting the city for the past 40 years. Not saying desantis is the solution, but the voters here need to figure out soon that their policies ruin any financial feasibility of the city which in turn hurts the social programs. Can't eat you cake and have it too.

  41. That's wild. Sucks. I know many of them. That's unfortunate side of poorly run city government.

  42. He did make a death threat to the president and go on a shootout with police so I'm not really on his side. Wtf kind of shit hole country are we turning into that they are displaying the body of someone killed by the FBI for hours? It's not like he was an oldschool gangster or terrorist king pin people refused to believe was killed.

  43. Shootout? I do not believe that is accurate.

  44. But....what happened? Like did he resist, was the FBI afraid of a disabled old man beating them up? Why was the dude shot?

  45. Is MAPs referring to pedophiles? I had to look up the acronym...guess m not on the up-and-up with current pervert lingo

  46. Not the greatest articles, if anything you could call the articles or at least their headlines sensationalized. Actually reading what he says gives you a different picture. First he was talking about sea ice during the summer minimum, if you read anything about the entire arctic being ice free or it being ice free year round, that should be your first tip off that you've run into some terrible journalism. More specifically he is talking about about the central basin.

  47. That's sort of a farce. Ship hull tech has improved keeps and bounds, as well as navigation and ice tactics. Not have an icebreaker escort is not as big of a deal as it was 20 years ago, not by a long shot.

  48. Where does government fit on that list? Cause that's who's really pushing this shit, and I'll bet that, globally, they are bigger than all ten combined. Plus a few multipliers

  49. Bingo! The portfolios of policy makers over the past 25 have shifted into the agenda they are pushing. I guarantee supporters of the new green deal invested heavily in wind and dollar manufacturing orior to publicizing their plan.

  50. I'm 21 currently and make a bit over $50,000 a year. I cannot find anything I can afford. I don't have much savings built up because everything is so expensive now and I feel like my generation really doesn't have a future other than wage slavery and poverty. Luckily my parents still allow me to stay with them, but I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels.

  51. Find a bunch of roommates who you can stand, don't eat out or drink st bars for a few years. You can easily save 10k+ per year (or more if you are diligent) it may take you 5 or more years, but it's not impossible. Or buy a trailer for cheap while you save up, the nature coast is full of cheap trailers and "rv parks"

  52. Seems to be the norm. "OH no, this industry MAY HAVE SHORT TERM ISSUES let's regulate it!" Then the regulations just hamstring it further and lead to collapse, then bail out, then "wow look how great of a job we did saving that industry!"

  53. What he is, is an outsider. The "Republican voters" have been tried of milquetoast, do-nothing, gentleman loser candidates, and want(ed) someone with some fire in their belly.

  54. Have an upvote. I can't comprehend why anyone would disagree with that sentiment at this juncture in Amercan politics. Our political system is currently headed towards corruption similar to countries like Egypt or Argentina. Maybe not next year, but it gets closer every year for sure.

  55. That author really needs an editor. That article was unreadable. Literally bad math in the first line then confused "billion" with "trillion" a couple lines down.

  56. Is the husband disabled? Or are they leaving his fighting out to protect him from a sexist lawsuit?

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