
  1. Here's the most recent update by Salvatore and Jake on the (signs towards) fraud investigations that (probably) have to do with the share buybacks. Hope you do have spotify lol.

  2. Someone’s clearly just downvoting any comment here to do with X. This is where most of the DD and discussion is being held since PPs sub got nuked. Just the reality of the situation.

  3. That’s weird…it looks like overwatering to me but the leaves aren’t dropping? I’ve only ever had leaves turn pale like that if I overwatered and/or had root rot, but they always soon drop afterwards. The new emerging leaves are this colour to begin with and grow to full size?

  4. I feel like grow lights affect them differently than natural light though, at least from my experience they do.

  5. 💯 they don’t need a lot of light. The ones I have behind a sheer curtain in a WNW window do the best.

  6. I would be embarrassed if I went shopping with my mom and had to ask a clerk for thrust and shag 😂

  7. I’d rather it describe the colour personally lol like what colour is it? Oh orgasm? That’s helpful. I have a frame of reference for what colour that would be. It’s like just being edgy for no reason lol

  8. The whole point of me getting a mystery in category four was because I didn’t want the scrunchies!! 😣

  9. These type are good for drying your hair though at least. I don’t use scrunchies as a fashion thing. I got the ones in the other box already though, which is kind of annoying but oh well. Even just having them in while you do your skincare/makeup, or leaving one in for the night if you have a shower before bed. Or as some people have said in the forum, they put them on their wrists when washing their face in the sink to stop water from running down their arms, which is a good idea! Lol At least they’re somewhat useful.

  10. So people who chose Mystery in Cat 4 because they didn’t want the scrunchies still end up with scrunchies?

  11. Yup lol I know…that part is dumb. But at least these scrunchies are functional lol

  12. This dog terrified me as a kid. Especially since we had big dogs just like him. I loved the intro, but I would always close my eyes at this part.

  13. Can I just point out the background and cloud all of them are in is the BBB teal…

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