
  1. Lmao i only look at the widget which shows +/- whatever dollars and cents so this whole time i was like wow very sideways

  2. I think they did it justice. What I'm mad about is SANJI'S EYEBROWS AND USOPP'S NOSE

  3. I think those would be cringey especially for new people coming into the IP

  4. But not the stretchy arms, swords in mouths, clown pirates? One piece is far too goofy for the swirly eyebrows and long nose to be too far

  5. Imo it would just be cringey and make the characters look like a shitty cosplay

  6. For me it was waiting for the next part of house of cards when I read part 1 then part 2 and so on.

  7. So , if I want to buy something with IMX , it should go thru right? Might buy something to test rn

  8. If its on L1 eth chain which it looks like it is it probably won’t work. You will have to move it to the imx chain via layerswap is probably easiest

  9. That's what I need. Thanks for the big help. I am a noob in web 3.0.

  10. Its all good. If you run into other problems i’ll be happy to help

  11. Damn worked up to 8 hours of training a day thats wild

  12. This is how you teach kids patience

  13. Potato in my ass is such a better name

  14. I hope you win the bee tee see with that one

  15. I personally won’t touch anything NFT related if it isn’t directly from GameStop. I don’t particularly like the route IMX is taking- it feels like they are diverging from GameStop, which is understandable as they have their own business to grow, but I won’t support them if it doesn’t support GameStop.

  16. One of the cornerstones of web3 is interoperability so in the future everything will be on everything including everything at gamestop.

  17. I understand, but we are not there yet and GameStop still needs to become a big player.

  18. Yeah that’s true hopefully things are progressing in the background. Hate to say we are early but it is super early lol

  19. Are you saying he’s not a pineapple 🤣

  20. It’s not funny nor educative. we know that already. He only did the cnbc: ops, I said it out loud (Melissa Lee).

  21. What’s the right way? A meme is a meme lol

  22. This relates to GME because this guy admitted to naked shorting GME everyday

  23. Presplit i bought at 40 and up to 350 and everything in between. Anything before moass is all dip anyways

  24. As a maple ape who couldn’t buy these I salute you 🫡

  25. They get paid till 6/9… nice?

  26. Its a lot of fun to decorate your own space with assets you own

  27. My wardrobe is almost exclusively clothes from Gamestop lmao

  28. I’m glad they will do this right

  29. Q1 so profitable it will be called Q2

  30. 0xE03418815185d54b8E7fD83130a02758f94193db

  31. Lmao the one demographic that looks for bugs and exploits just to shave off a fraction of a second off their run time… now put money on the line and see all the bugs and exploits shf’s have been using. Oops moass my bad

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