
  1. I’ve been lucky enough to get SG Udyr, Elementalist Lux, Pulsefire Ezreal, and DJ Sona from chests

  2. Same I have 5 ultimate skins just from chests

  3. im a jungle main. typically playing Vi as my main but generally like the Bruiser style of champs. Jax and Red Kayn falling into that catergory

  4. I also recommend youu too check out foxdrop he's very educationall and nott overr the topp to

  5. I realize now I missed a good opportunity to add text to my post. My sincerest apologies to everyone.

  6. Just a reminder to everyone You can use the old.reddit.com and you can still use non official apps

  7. I really liked LOTRO's crafting system, feels like one of the few games where the gear you craft is something actually good to wear.

  8. that would be bill, mate

  9. and it would be cheque if it was anyway

  10. Sort by controversial for the real unpopular stuff

  11. can the mobile app do that? I was sure that option didnt exist anymore

  12. Wow that was sick thanks for sharing

  13. lol I love the 2 autos on the minion instead of MF

  14. The exhaust on me was helping her hide, and panicked a bit once I saw the Vlad

  15. You just need to learn the toggle for targeting champions only

  16. I was building tiamat items first for a long time thinking it was necessary for clearing. you clear nearly as fast when rushing bork, but have much stronger kill potential. Been liking terminus 2nd then either triforce if snowballing or def item (thorn/SV) if its a close game.

  17. Very interesting thank you for the writeup

  18. ... what do you do with the microwaved water?

  19. It's kinda crazy and I'm probably the only one who does it, but I actually drink it! I drink water!!

  20. I mean I drink water too, are you microwaving it to like, warm it up? It's a very Asian thing to not drink cold water.

  21. Yes I was just teasing. I microwave the water to make it warm to drink

  22. I just got diamond using ww. I have imposter syndrome lol

  23. That's how I am feelign at the moment, I've climbed higher than my skill level and the games are so hard, Ive had to go back to learning the game again :/

  24. depends on who it is, I think the pure tank items are kinda bad, i would go wits end or steraks or FH

  25. Relax. Menopause can change your weight distribution, tending more toward apple vs pear shape. But your metabolism (male or female) doesn't slow until your 60s and then it's gradual.

  26. Oh I wasn't aware, that would explain my friend who's body shape changed so much but can't figure out why, she's only 22 but unfortunately has early menopause because of health issues

  27. evil irelia be like a fair champion, doesn't spyke with a 900 gold item, runs out of mana, + 5 movement speed

  28. This is my first time using the spyke

  29. Years ago riot released a bunch of data charts and stuff to look at, I’m pretty sure that’s where the stat came from.

  30. Iirc that thing was revealed before yuumi so I wonder if yuumi mains also get the singed effect

  31. I feel like yuumi mastery would just have zero impact, sure there's absolutely no transferable mechanics and you aren't learning spacing or positioning at all, but you also aren't actively avoiding the laning phase or "DPSing" by walking briskly past everyone like what singed does.

  32. Anecdotally my friend who is a hardcore yuumi main has trouble playing anything else, after hundreds of yuumi hours. He admits it himself that he hates having to move around the map himself lol

  33. confirming this, I've never not worked on a film that we didn't supply avid media for

  34. What kind of sociopath let's it get that low in the first place? Like... If it goes down from 100 to 1 within one 18 hour cycle, people should think about getting a new phone.

  35. Yeah my phone has never dropped below 70% battery these people must be hard-core phone users

  36. Yeah I charge it all the time, 70% is just the lowest, otherwise it rarely strays below 90%

  37. More of an eastern Canada thing. You can still get them in the west, but they're much more rare. Whereas all my family on the east coast pretty much only buy bagged milk. I don't like it, it tastes like fridge after a day.

  38. I also think the idea of the milk just being exposed to the open air, however what does "fridge" taste like lol

  39. Someone tell the Japanese that green and blue are not basically the same thing

  40. blue raspberry candy instead of broccoli

  41. love it or hate it, you must agree that fortnite does add some stick stuff for new seasons

  42. Yep new season, comes out today

  43. I downloaded and tried playing for a couple mins, couldnt get over the basic combat and having to swipe to move the camera around

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