
  1. I started listing songs but realized that it's impossible for me to list ten of my favourite songs because i have like a hundred number 1 songs lmao

  2. Lopeta iltalööppien lukeminen. Niiden on tarkoituskin pelottaa. Pelolla saa klikkejä ja klikeillä rahaa.

  3. Jos mä joskus tuijotan jotakuta julkisissa niin oon vaan ihan vitun zoned out ja elän jossain omissa sfääreissäni enkä edes tajua tuijottavani.

  4. Greyoll from Elden Ring is literally an elder dragon so that would be fucking cool

  5. ite oon heittäny ain esinahan alle tai persereikään. hittaa erilail velikulta

  6. Luulin et se oli tulisade rankka joka vie mennessää 😼

  7. Norwegian women all look the same. Tall, blonde and built like an East German dairymaid.

  8. Minäkin olen vauva, vaikka olen jo 30 vuotias.

  9. Meikä viskomassa kusipeltiä kahden promillen kännissä kusipäänaapurini postiluukusta kolmelta aamuyöllä

  10. Noin neljä sekuntia mietin, että mikähän vamma se sellainen saavutetta-vamma oikein mahtaa olla

  11. I don't know how to statistically prove it, but I sure do know how to brute force it. With R!

  12. Na you got this boss, especially using GS. Just wait patiently for any opportunity then strike his belly, once he lowers his head, you attack that bish and break it!

  13. Oh i'm not giving up. I know for sure that i will slay Fatalis. It just will take some time.

  14. Just tossing this out there but a couple of guard skills on your greatsword might help with his fire cone and some of his lesser flame attacks. Don't try to guard the charged fireball unless you have no other option. Maxing out your dps won't help you if you're not alive to deal damage.

  15. I basically never use guard with great sword. Can you actually block the fire attacks with gs and is it worth the lost of sharpness?

  16. Ainakin vuonna 2017 oli sama grammamäärä, kuin nykyään

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