
  1. Simdi tekrardan baktim evet takdir belgesi almak icin 5 gunu gecmemesi lazimmis internette 5ten fazla olmamali diyor 5 okay mi cok tesekkurler bu arada

  2. Onun özelde okumanla bir ilgisi yok ama neyse

  3. Daha once hic devlete gitmedim ve bu kadar cok devamsizlik yapmadigim icin bilmiyordum ama soyledigin icin sag ol

  4. Very vague question. If you’re asking why we are not watching movies we do or I do. I like both watching movies and reading books but sometimes there are things that movies can’t do because of the time limit or the budget and because you are reading you can imagine more than they can give you. Or sometimes I want more content than they can provide me with those movies. Also classics can’t be turned into movies well they can but it’s never good and can’t be good because it’s usually not the story that is special but it’s the way it’s written.

  5. There was a theory back then about how zen likes you in every route and aware about the game and how he is just a character in it (spoilers for april fools dlc normal ending) if you play the april fools dlc then you will see how he becomes aware of it and how sad he is about it

  6. actually?!? i haven’t played the april fools dlc but def gonna have to check it out 🥲 i only saw those theories with seven and yoosungg 😭

  7. Really? I have never seen this theory with yoosung well everyone is breaking the fourth wall at some point and other characters may act jealous in other routes but april fools was something else entirely. When I first saw it I thought it was fake lol If you want to get the normal ending you have to convince him that he is in a simulation tho and since zen was my favourite I remember crying a lot because of that ending

  8. This might be my worst fear tbh because I am exactly like the past you

  9. the one thing I wish I could tell my past self is that it’s ok to go at my own pace. i used to feel so behind because of my lack of experience, and i thought that getting experience and doing “normal” teenager things would make me feel more fulfilled. as you can see, that wasn’t true, and i’ve actually become more insecure. i also wish i never gave into pressure especially to random men who have no value in my life. just stay true to yourself and allow yourself to be who you know you are. if i stayed true to myself & allowed myself to be “different” than my peers this would have never happened. so don’t be scared, it’s your own mindset!! if you want to engage in hookups tho, that’s fine too!

  10. Thank you so much this actually made me feel a lot better because I thought I was lacking with my experiences of being a teenager and I wasted all of my years. Hookups or dating just because you want to date someone is not something I could ever do and I am so glad to know that doing those won’t make me happier because I thought that is what everyone does so it must be something I eventually have to do in order to be happy. I am so sorry that you had to go through that and I hope you will meet someone that actually sees you for who you are <33

  11. They do this all the time sometimes directly sometimes indirectly

  12. Hi I am 18 and I took Isotretinoin for 6 months when I was 14 but I am not a dermatologist at all it’s just my experience. I had moderate acne and had acne scars as well. If I were to answer your questions generally acne isn’t from climate at all but If your child sweats a lot then it could possibly be one of the reasons to have acne or to have more than usual or if you don’t put on moisturiser especially on cold days it could be but it is not a major reason to have acne to be honest. Antibiotics were hard because it has a lot of side effects but it cleared most of my acne and I don’t think tropical creams alone could fix it because I used those for years and it did nothing and keep in mind that my acne came back but it was very mild and I used and still use tropical benzoyl peroxide to have clean skin and of course I double cleanse and use moisturiser but that is it really. The only tropical cream that I have seen benefits from is benzoyl but it could of course be different for everyone. I would also say don’t do anything before your dermatologist tells you because having more medication doesn’t equally have better results. And acne scarring has a lot of types so I would say it depends on what type of scarring they have but mine was reddish ones and cleared fully. If you still have problems with scarring I know people that got laser treatments etc and they were really happy with the results. Also my body was not effected by side effects at all I was very healthy but my mental health was very bad I would have a lot if mood swings and I have known people that were depressed when they were on medication so just keep that on mind and be very kind and gentle :)

  13. I think it is the colour that is the problem. If it were dark blue like Jumin’s suit it would look much better and they would have matched

  14. Bir seylerle yani hayatindaki sorunlarla basa cikmak icin guluyo olabilir misin dicem ama o cogunlukla gulunmemesi gerekilen durumlarda gulunce olur ama sen gulunen durumlarda normalden daha cok guluyorsun bence bi sikinti yok bro gul yani hayat bok gibi bare sen mutlu ol

  15. You are brave enough to recognise this problem and try to fix it. I agree with the others and their advices what I recommend would be trying to be friends and just friends with a woman just try to have a chitchat and talk about life and their interests. Recognise and realise that they are human beings with feelings. I am a woman but I am bisexual and believe me when I say I know how beautiful woman are but they are not just it. They are far more and seeing that maybe would fix that problem for you

  16. It surely looks like people don’t read any actual books because they truly do think swears are censored in those

  17. Sadece ismi odtu diye girip dandik bir bolum okuyanlari asla anlamiyorum sen o kadar iyi yapmissin sinavda istedigin her yere girebiliyorsun ama odtu olsun diye zorluyorsun resmen okulu bitirince de bir bok olamiyorsun ya da alaninda en iyisi oluyorsun ama alanin zaten cok kazanmiyo oluyo

  18. Some people just don’t deserve second chances. Report them to the police. It would be too late if they were to act upon on their urges and ruin people’s lives. You would regret it all your life.

  19. One of my friends changed my name into gay without my knowledge as a joke and I thought it was real for a sec.

  20. Skincare should be as simple as possible especially at the beginning. More products doesn’t mean it will have better results. So it should be cleanser- problem based product- moisturiser.

  21. Felsefenin asil olayi hayati sorgulamak ve bu hayatin her yonu olabilir ozellikle din insanin temel ihtiyaclarindan bir tanesi hallindeyken tabi ki bundan bahsedilmeli

  22. Yemedigim laf kalmadı gerçekten daha sormam zaten buraya soru falan. Teşekkür ederim bu arada desteğin için.

  23. Valla hic uzulme bence cok guzel bir soruydu ve gayet iyi bi bakis acisi yaratti benim icin keske daha onceden gorseydim post u redditte bazen boyle salak insanlarla karsilasabiliyorsun ve durduk yere senin lincleyebiliyorlar asla kafana takma lutfen sor

  24. I can touch my tonsils and around that area of my throat because of my long ass tongue.

  25. Allah in kisiligini ve ozelliklerini bir insan olarak anlatirsaniz cok narsist bi kisilik oldugunu anlayabiliyorsun bu da onu kusursuz degil tam tersine kendi yarattigi varliklarinin ozelliklerine sahip oldugunu gosteriyor. Hatta ben allah i narsist bir ebeveyn olarak goruyorum. Hicbir sebep yokken bizim ona ibadet etmemizi yani tapmamizi istiyor bize surekli kosulsuz sevildigi soyleniyor ama ona tapmazsak daha az seviyor. Onu sevmemiz icin bizi direk zorluyor. Bu tarz baya bir ornek verilebilir. Ben yaratici mukemmel olmali demiyorum zaten mükemmeliyet ne demek o komple baska bir konu ama sikinti surada mukemmel iddiasi var ama kullarinda begenmedigi ve kusur olarak nitelendirdigi ozellikler onda da var. Deistim bu arada

  26. birinin vurduğu ortada çarpılması en zor yerlerden birisi boyun

  27. Bizim sinifta cok guresiyorlar ondan kaynakli olabilir mi yani

  28. Panic attacks is a relatively common TW in my experience.

  29. Bro I have anxiety and panic disorder and I get panic attacks daily and I dont think any of those are considered trigger warning especially panic attacks because panic attacks doesn’t get triggered just because you see someone having one or mention it. It could happen randomly or something traumatic must happen or you could seen something that reminds of your trauma but someone having an attack isn’t considered traumatic unless you are an extremely sensitive person.

  30. Rape is non-consensual sex and you were forced to have sex with her through blackmail etc so yes you were raped

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