
  1. Hudson Hawk. The heist scenes are great. The weird CIA agents are fun. The nearly cartoon style. Bruce Willis doing the comedy thing. What's not to like?

  2. Girls with a petite build or a pretty face  just don’t deserve any love at all because fuck you that’s pedophilia.

  3. What? When? Man, Mondays always seemed so wholesome and stable.

  4. Yeah but they think smartphones cause turbo cancer too.

  5. No, smart phones cause regular cancer. It's the 5G that causes the turbocancer.

  6. It IS a cover up! Hide you kids, protect your wives, save the beer!

  7. Last Crusade - replace the grail. Particularly the scene where they are choosing the correct one….

  8. Lol and Indiana Jones is feeling is own junk, trying to gauge the weight of the sand bag.

  9. Risking your health or life under peer pressure. Too many college students and others have died because of shot games, drug binges and dangerous stunts.

  10. My peer pressure generally went the other way. "What the hell are you doing!?!? Get back down before you get killed, you idiot!"

  11. Can I ask why you believe your dog thinks the moon landing was a hoax?

  12. I mean, dogs have a terrible understanding of rocket science and thermodynamics, obviously. So it seems likely that their opinions on the issue would be unreasonable.

  13. To be fair, we really don't know what they understand. They just don't seem to care about things like that. It's far less important than BALL, TREATS, SNUGGLES, FOOD, SCRATCHES, or even SNACKS and SLEEP.

  14. Interestingly enough, there's avery real reason they do this.

  15. My wife works shifts and likes going on cycling holidays a couple times a year (cycling isn't a holiday to me) so we have time where I'm alone in the house. I like the first night as I get the Xbox updated and stay up too late watching stuff she doesn't like or playing games. On the second night I get bored and on the third night I'm missing her and ready for her to be back at home. She's my best friend and we have fun together even though we can get on each other's nerves.

  16. It's the "Sweet! Time to do the things I want to that she hates! Yes!" And then the transition to the "Aw man, I'd rather being doing things with her than without.... how much longer till she's back?"

  17. Hey! So a positive on a pregnancy test with male urine can indicate testicular cancer!

  18. Thank you. I was unaware that I needed slow-motion guinea pigs in my life.

  19. Don’t forget about the pharmacist that hates a platypus for some weird reason?

  20. It's not a weird reason. They're nemesises. Nemesii? I'm not sure about the plural form.

  21. I heard that now he’s doing battle with some panda from Seattle…

  22. The colleges I have attended, if you didn't pay the tickets, you didn't graduate. You would not get your diploma, you would not get a transcript, you would not be allowed to transfer credits, until the tickets and been paid off.

  23. Stopping World War Hulk for few seconds, peeling skin from his body. Keep in mind, this Hulk was throwing hands with all heroes on Earth at the same time. I believe he's the 2nd strongest version of the Hulk (after Worldbreaker).

  24. Not gonna lie, I read that last sentence in Doc Brown's voice.

  25. Well then, maybe we should plant some new stones and let them grow, then we would have NEW old growth stones and the roads would better. Like back then. In the good ol' days.

  26. Yes. I secretly plan to harvest the rocks early, then claim that they installed them wrong and sell them lousy new growth rocks twice!

  27. Not all woman are hormonal and dramatic powder kegs ready to blow. Not all woman are controlling. Not all woman are snakes. Not all woman have skeletons in the closet.

  28. My wife made me get rid of the skeleton I had in my closet when we moved in together.

  29. You should've left it in there and told her to make room for it 😂. Better yet take it out tell her you got rid of it and then when she put her clothes in there hide the skeleton behind the wall of clothes and let it scare the shit out of her 😂

  30. Yeah, at the time it seemed like a better idea to allow room for the pretty dresses and such than an old plastic skeleton. Now that we've been married for over 15 years, I kinda miss the bastard. Y'know?

  31. I don't think it's possible to know unless you guess Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Belgium, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.

  32. I read that in the tune of the Animaniacs song about the countries of the world.

  33. Ok I think I actually know this one. There was an interview a CNN( I think) investigative journalist did with some cannibals from like Africa or the Amazon (I'm not sure) but they say sunscreen is witchcraft because you're putting potions on your skin. The potion being chemicals in the sun block.

  34. As others have mentioned, particularly albino children in some parts of Africa are believed to have mystical powers, so they are often used as... ingredients... in (iirc) witchcraft and other shamanistic rituals or potions.

  35. I think this about the 2002 Nickelodeon animated movie Time Kid based on H G Wells' The Time machine, where a group of people in the far future live underground and trades food for psychic childer who they use as batteries to grow food and live underground

  36. I missed this completely and feel like it will be a terrible movie that I simply must find and watch now.

  37. This is great, would also suggest confirming max devices/distance allowed. Depends on your make/model but nothing worse than finding out you overloaded your loop.

  38. This is based off of my experiences doing new Fire Alarm system installs.

  39. Do you have an apprentice on site? If so, make it their problem.

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