
  1. Hi! Click on Season Journey and Road to Mythic to access rank rewards.

  2. I found the rewards in boxes in my inventory. The road to mythic only cover the upper ranks once you reach a certain point. Thanks tho!

  3. Teach them to love and respect themselves as men as they do to others. That it’s okay to be a man in a day and age where they are being told being a man is not okay. So that they find worth in not social status or women but in who they are as a person.

  4. I thought v1 was photoshopped. That’s some insane lighting!

  5. Yeah, with how the pie chart overlays the face it reminded me of Aang. Don’t know why people are downvoting.

  6. The extra high end bite of the MKE 600 means that they pick up more of the room reflections. Close micing will give you a louder signal that your brain will process to cancel out the lower volume reflections. If you can't mic close (18-24" is ideal), a little de-reverb in post helps. Here is an example:

  7. Recommondations for mics or general spending budget of 600?

  8. I want it to be stable and playable. But don’t launch with everything. Just launch sooner with the base content and slowly unload the other features with it over time.

  9. I feel like in 2024 we’ll get a post of them saying, “Hey guys, we decided instead of rebuilding the game in C++ we are going to start over in Unreal Engine!” /s

  10. Definitely not, since Hytale is using their own custom engine. Also, Unreal Engine uses C++ as well

  11. I wonder if someone is just going to make Hytale themselves as a joke at this point.

  12. Wow I loved this. Thanks for sharing. Wish I could give you an award.

  13. After meeting some couples. Anakin and Padme’s relationship is more believable.

  14. Obi-Wan getting roasted in more ways then one this season.

  15. I thought Obi-Wan was going to explain a little about her parents but man he’s keeping his lips sealed.

  16. Kinda says something if you need to remind people it’s out.

  17. Can we talk about the camera guy just floating in the hole with his back towards the darkness?

  18. I thought this was a cosplay with some green screen work. Damn

  19. I defended many pixels from the dreaded among us. I fought the good fight. I rest now.

  20. I'm kinda glad they didn't put him in the show then and make Isaac do the Scottish accent, it has to be one of the toughest ones to pull off.

  21. Might get downvoted for this but Jake is in the show and I can prove it. In the end credits there is a lot of symbolism you can see that connects to the show. I won’t go over all of it but in one part shows Issac’s face being split into 3 parts each representing a part of his personality.

  22. For the green Vault Dwellers this flag is from Fallout Out New Vegas. More specifically from a faction called NCR that is basically a restart of America.

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