
  1. Is it 50cl with 50cl pricing or 70cl pricing? That's where the problem lies. Scotch aren't that cheap to begin with. Marking up the price and marking down the volume is just making it worse.

  2. If he can't deal with you at your worst, he doesn't deserve you at your best... I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but I think you need a supportive partner and not someone who will make you feel bad about having panic attacks.

  3. I don't normally like using this phrase but this is the kind of situation where I'd say yes this applies fully and nod vigorously!

  4. I bought a brand new V60 dual screen case that came with an equally brand new USB-C adapter for $139.99 less that a month ago from the "LG Store" merchant on Amazon. The box was sealed and the dual screen case, as well as the USB-C adapter, were wrapped in their original plastic film.

  5. Thank you for the detailed write up about the item! I'll check the listing out to see if they ship to my location! Really appreciate it :)

  6. i just bought the adapter from amazon japan, for around 20 usd.

  7. That's much cheaper than alot of the other options listed. And Japan is near me too, will take a look!

  8. Combat is indeed fun! Coming from 4e, I love combat precisely bc I had a DM that makes them memorable.

  9. Since they play it like Skyrim, it's time to do it like Skyrim: Fine->Prison->Attack and Kill on Sight

  10. You have every right to mourn him, he was your best friend, online or not. Strength to you.

  11. Sounds like your DM has a specific plan and instead of nudging  the group in the.rigjt direction he's just letting  you wander around aimlessly and you are naturally getting bored and frustrated.

  12. For the record the signs where there before the reveal that he was getting false info

  13. This is an amazing idea but the execution left alot to be desired. I want to preface that before going into the crux of the problem.

  14. Ugh, I hate this. Recently lost someone who would send me BOOKS over text, then they devolved to texts like this spaced out over hours, and then just stopped answering all together. Pretty sure he spent like a week blocking and unblocking me and pretending that his phone just had no signal too 😒 It’s been like a week and I’m trying so hard to not crawl back to him to cry to him and manipulate him. It fucking hurts.

  15. People like these are toxic. If they don't want to talk anymore, they could have say it politely instead of dragging it out and trying to passive aggressively convey that. It's more respectful and considerate to just communicate the loss of interest.

  16. Yes, of course!! And 👋 fellow symphonic metal head, didn't expect to bump into one here!

  17. Nice to meet you! What are your favourite symphonic metal bands and artists (preferably lesser-known ones as I already know everything about the major ones)?

  18. Thanks for asking, here's a few off the top of my head after sorting through the big bands!

  19. You can't force him to not join, that would be wrong. However, you can always ask and asking isn't wrong at all! It's you espressing your feelings and made him aware how his actions may impact you.

  20. Fight!!!! Unless I am really really scared then I may fawn. No guarantee tho.

  21. I would like to use one for the coolness, but alas, my games are mostly online

  22. Same here! Picked the no screen option bc I DM online so I have a landing page instead (which is pretty cool too!).

  23. Interesting, i would see online games as using a DM screen. Because you can have everything up there without players seeing the stuff. Though i always roll in the open.

  24. That's a good point! Never thought of it like that. Same, I always roll in open too. I find that it promotes trust between players and DM.

  25. Swordmage from 4e! I just love how they work as a defender and their versatility in utility powers.

  26. I saw that you mentioned Curse of Strahd in another comment and I'm trying to run it as my first campaign while converting it to 4e!

  27. Curse of Strahd is great, but has little replay value. Once you know all the tricks as a player you can't run it again, the metagame is pretty hard to ignore.

  28. The mini break is a good one, I'll surely keep that in mind for when I'm in a pinch. And it's reassuring to know that I'm not overprepping, I just need to narrow down to what they would likely interact with.

  29. They're unfortunately been doing it for years and there's no way to stop it. We'd love to do a megathread but we don't wanna do anything on here that would make us a target for brigading from the hate subs. As long as the hate subs exist, the downvoting will always be a problem. The best way we've learned to deal with this stuff is to encourage people to upvote, upvote, upvote

  30. Promoting upvotes is a good idea! Didn't know that the onslaught is a thing, will try to sort by new and upvote some whenever I drop by.

  31. Just want to chip in that I have the PDF versions of workbook for the green book, Dr fox workbook and also Marsh Linehan one. If you need any of them, feel free to DM me! And yes it's quite common for folks to do the workbook when they are strapped on resources or felt that they know the skills enough that they just need something to keep them constantly using it rather than learning in a group setting.

  32. What's the deadline for their courses if you don't mind me asking? I am interested but currently otherwise occupied with projects so would probably use it in like 5months or so.

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