
  1. If you go to the Crystal Lake after getting Terapagos you can meet the ghost of Turo/Sada

  2. I can see where you are coming from but the truth is I would just not be interested in engaging with the subreddit without the daily megathread and would look elsewhere for my fill.

  3. Alright, we got here, albeit a bit earlier than expected.

  4. Can’t wait to sack James Cleverly myself at the ballot box

  5. Nah, but he’ll lose his job as home secretary if the Tories lose their majority. Or sooner

  6. This James Cleverly thing is going to completely blow up in his face. He has admitted to calling Alex Cunningham a “Sht MP”. We can all hear very clearly from the audio that he said “It’s a shthole”. Audio is crystal clear.

  7. I’m really hoping the media put the heat on Cleverly over his alleged remarks today. They are clearly audible in the footage.

  8. Alex Cunningham is raising a point of order about James Cleverly calling his constituency a shithole

  9. Looking forward to the live emergency TRIP at 16:30 this afternoon, should be interesting

  10. Out of the 141 I have put towards the dex so far about 13 were random encounters including all three Cetoddle!

  11. I watched at home and thought the performance was great. I was hoping for one or two surprises. On the higher end of that scale I’d have loved a strings section for Mirrorball, on the lower end A Certain Romance.

  12. Guto Harris is just chatting complete shite why is he on my TV screen he is a nobody

  13. Please tell me someone else saw that poor guy in a white shirt putting his hand up to ask DB a question?

  14. to be fair I’m sure Fiona Bruce would be the one calling on him haha

  15. I found living down south in Cambridge pretty difficult. A lot of people supposedly struggled to understand my accent, so I ended up talking slower.

  16. Unfortunately the UK government was unable to fulfill their request to switch it off for the evening.

  17. You’re fucking joking me no way

  18. Cabinet Office refer Boris Johnson to Police over parties in Chequers during lockdown

  19. If something is getting announced today, now is the exact time they release news/trailers

  20. Diane Abbott has retracted her letter and issued an apology.

  21. Her apology is irrelevant, especially with her awful excuse. It was overt, hateful, antisemitic racism and she should have the whip withdrawn today.

  22. Exactly. The idea that you cant criticise the government's record on something because the PM is asian is dangerous as fuck.

  23. You can criticise the Prime Minister's poor handling of justice for sexual violence victims without wrongly saying he supports not jailing pedophiles. The ad's second part does this well.

  24. I disagree with your view. I support Starmer mainly because I want a responsible government that stops the harmful culture war pushed by the Tories. There are stereotypes and stigma about South Asian people and intentionally or not this is furthering a false narrative. It is dog whistle racism.

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