
  1. Nah, what you forget here is that some first basemen are gonna talk to you as a distraction from when the ball is put into play. This is how freeman won an mvp, he crushed the opponent’s running value with unprecedented xCHAT. In fact, it was the lack of crowd noise in 2020 that made him so effective, because runners could hear his beguiling words much more clearly.

  2. You're probably right given the context, but cannot stress enough how devastating the platoon is

  3. Still not remotely comparable to how devastating segregation was for black people. I get that you’re frustrated but this is just not the way to express that.

  4. /uc no, it’s not actually orange, but it’s also not racism. Mexico is closer to the equator which means more sunlight when means hotter, and heat is correlated with “warm” colors like yellow and orange.

  5. I mean, she’s an adult, which means she can and should be making her own choices

  6. Adults also can get themselves into thousands of dollars in student loans, doesn’t make it not predatory.

  7. It’s literally a fact that 18 year olds have less developed brains and life experience than a 57 year old, has nothing to do with the fact that she’s a woman.

  8. Earth is real f’ing big, that’s why you still don’t see curvature at those altitudes. As for why you don’t see rotation, it’s because the horizontal momentum doesn’t just disappear when you aren’t in contact with the earth. You don’t constantly feel the earth dragging you along by your feet, because your own bodymass rotates with the earth. Same thing with high altitude balloons.

  9. No, it doesn’t. Imperfect flesh blobs that observe the world by piloting flesh sacks will never truly “know” the laws of physics. All we can do is repeatedly test theories through increasingly complicated testing methods to create what we figure is how the world works. We used to just look at stuff, then we created microscopes which for example is how we discovered germ theory, then (skipping a lot of steps mind you) we invented the electron microscope which is how we’ve studied the intricacies of how atoms interact.

  10. Dumb semantics argument. “Pulled” is not a strict scientific term, if you say “this object will be pulled toward the earth when I drop it” everyone will perfectly understand what you mean, even if it’s not technically a force.

  11. Try making out the color of an object in a closed off room where the only source of light is a spotlight directly behind it. Now imagine that spotlight is millions times brighter. That’s why we can’t actually “see” the moon during an eclipse. When you set the exposure of a camera low enough to make out the shape of the sun, the tiny amounts of light reflecting off the moon become completely imperceptible.

  12. You forgetting what you were taught in school does seem to be the issue here.The moon also orbits around the earth, from west to east but not perfectly parallel with the equator. You can find 3d simulations showing how the bodies orbit around eachother, and how it would lead to the path of totality we see.

  13. Oh my word he is really going on with this foundation analogy, you really didn’t need to get that detailed to get your point across

  14. No, he doesn’t, you just put a bandana around him, and it’s weird to anthropomorphize an animal like that who has no clue what baseball teams are.

  15. Yes? I thought it was clear I didn’t like dogs/dog culture from my comment alone. Dog pics? Whatever, not personally into them but I like other animals so I won’t go after people for simply liking this kind. But this weird fantasy world people live in where they pretend that animals like dogs actually think as humans do is weird.

  16. This was an alt account til Reddit had a snafu and prevented me from signing into my main.

  17. I didn’t attack your character, I just said you engage with a cesspit. Only way that would classify as attacking one’s character is if your comment was also attacking my character. So if that’s the definition we’re going with then sure, it’s an ad hominem in response to your initial ad hominem.

  18. A supportive subreddit for people with the same kink is not a cesspit.

  19. Neither is a supportive subreddit for people who dislike a specific animal that has become incredibly ubiquitous in society and culture. I really don’t care that you have your kinks, my point was not to say that you’re wrong for it, my point at it’s core was that someone who has a “preference” that many would immediately judge should probably be more cognizant about how they immediately attack/judge others for their preferences.

  20. Well yeah, the “right person” can’t exactly ask you themselves now can they? Because you blocked them..

  21. I find it funny the console players are loving 60fps and pc payers think it’s ass

  22. Yeah, it really is funny how confident console players are in saying 60 fps is fine when they haven’t actually tried it before.

  23. NTA, a man provides. Women don’t understand what lengths men have to go through to provide for their family like poisoning children or rejecting well paying honest jobs in exchange for selling meth because they’re insecure.

  24. Funny how that was an HD image but it’s been screenshotted and compressed so many fucking times it’s now pixely

  25. I never said I had all of the pixels, just more of them. If you know where the rest are that would be great.

  26. Ridiculous is fine, objectively worse/more threatening just weakens the point.

  27. Not sure I agree about the chimp being more dangerous. Especially if it's kept on a leash of some sort. They are far more intelligent than dogs.

  28. Ig in a car it’s not thaaat big of a difference but I think on land our height advantage is a big difference maker, and pitbulls really only have one weapon to worry about which is it’s mouth. Now that weapon is no joke, but compared to a chimpanzee can kill you with either of its hands or it’s mouth if it wants to. And their bipedalism and opposable thumbs give them way more mobility options that just makes them incredibly unpredictable. Not to mention intelligence, yes we are smarter than chimps but they are still scary smart sometimes, especially when compared to a dog lol. I think you really just don’t fully realize how stupidly strong and agile chimps are.

  29. Dating preferences simply cannot be held to the same standards as pretty much anything else in terms of what is “ok” to discriminate against.

  30. There’s being an edgy 18 year old and then there’s tweeting the N word and white power

  31. No, those can definitely be the same thing. Like yeah, that’s a pretty awful edgy phase, and I would say he was at least somewhat racist. But it’s still absolutely still something that can be largely explained by him having an underdeveloped brain. Especially since that happened almost 12 years ago. Like that’s a long hecking time, people change and grow so much from age 18 to 29. If there were more recent signs of racism than literally that then maybe, but to call him a “racist POS” just from those tweets is ridiculous, that’s actually just spitefulness at that point.

  32. Hmm I wonder what the difference between black people and white people is that would make these two statements different. Perhaps it’s the lack of privilege that black people have and thus racism towards them when compared to white people that makes one statement clearly intended to be generalized while the other is not?

  33. Your point is incoherent, anyone can make generalized statements about any group regardless of systemic forces.

  34. Lol you're upset because you're a white man. You identify with that community, clearly. YOUR community.

  35. Oh, so you actually are now explicitly doing the whole “your people” racism thing, ok I’m blocking you racist.

  36. It’s good to see people who understand that it’s their purpose in life to suffer and sacrifice for people who at the end of the day don’t care or hate you. I share that philosophy, and it’s a philosophy I would encourage more of humanity to have.

  37. Uh, no I don’t think I share that philosophy if I understand what you’re saying. I’m just criticizing misandrists that fall into echo chambers, not making any blanket statements about demographics, if that’s what you mean.

  38. Oh, I thought you were criticizing misogynists. Never mind then 🙄

  39. Oh, well I wasn’t not criticizing misogynists, but criticizing misogyny also wasn’t the primary focus of my comment. It took misogyny being bad as a given to be framework to show how ridiculous the justifications for misandry that other comment was making were.

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