
  1. Defense on hellmore, especially evac, is so much harder because of the fire tornados.

  2. Open world rpg pirate game, it's such an easy home run yet somehow nobody does it.

  3. Evil has a perspective too and it makes sense if you look at from there.

  4. I have signed and will vote in favor of this but we still need elected officials and judges to enforce the law. Look at what is happening with the amendment to protect right of choice or the last gerrymandering law, I know this an amendment but still, they show us we still have to trust the sword holder.

  5. If the goal is make truly competitive districts then you need pie cuts come from the largest metro extending out. Imo problems with even fairer electoral maps is they still isolate the rural/city populations, ultimately leading to division and one party gaining control slowly overtime then makes maps for their party alone.

  6. Idk if our generation is truly lazy but i feel like the quality has gone down hill too because no one gives af at work

  7. When I worked fast food on high school the majority of the staff weren't teenagers they were adults with little to no options, most had some kind of non violent criminal history or lacked hs diploma, etc. I think now even those people have better higher paying options due to the labor market needs. Fast food places might market paying $20 but their average payroll really doesn't show that and even those making that are almost never full time with traditional benefits. Hell even the managers work 80 hour weeks while getting exploited with no overtime.

  8. The fan base thinks way more about the plot of this show than the writers do. It is always going to be random, and the "plot" isn't going ti seriously "progress" with character change beyond within an isolated season or arc.

  9. Paid for it since it damn near came out best streaming service and most value of any I pay for.

  10. Insurance underwriter started off higher than 1k a week. Need a degree, but like any degree. I work with tons of former teachers or social workers, with degrees that have nothing to do with insurance or business. Pretty much that's it. The industry is super in need of labor because like a lot of workforces there's is aging out and most young people dont want to work in insurance. It'll never wow you but good pay, great flexible hours, and stability.

  11. To be fair, if you think of the major cities, the big three Cs obviously get a lot of love, but then I'd bet most people only known toledo and Dayton. While there are worst cities, they are smaller, and most people don't have a reason to ever be there. Dayton was a great city that just fell the last 30 or so years, so I think it's just more present in people minds.

  12. Because the TV show never had fake Sansa, so real Sansa had to go through what fake Sansa did to make sure you really hate Ramsay, like you need another reason.

  13. I'd bet this was more a electronic recycle option that they probably offer, I know places like best buy do this.

  14. I'm sure this kind of attitude will surely change their minds.

  15. Just trade back and get bo nix or jj McCarthy later, maye is a project and will need stability which we don't have.

  16. I’m so sick of hearing this when we JUST went through the Mac Jones era

  17. I think Maye is more similar to Mac Jones comp then Bo Nix.

  18. I have no problem with them asking to roll, now rolling then asking is different because they can mold their actions based on the results which I think defeats the purpose of rolling dice.

  19. Yeah if he was normal he'd be just an average person and not one of the richest.

  20. Also usually 35-40th in median income, depending in the year/source. Most of those affordable properties require you to have a remote job or be lucky enough to be employed by a local corporation.

  21. Narrative hints at how overly badass a balor is and the instant dred. Sometimes, I'll straight up say every moralistic survivalistic instinct is telling you to run.

  22. Hardcore on explaining the science of its universe is what I meant. Not trying to give spoilers but three fables/stories are a good example of this.

  23. Ok well I guess that's fair if you're talking about all the math equations I guess. But that's not an obstacle

  24. To be honest for me its a benefit and kept me interested, but I also know that for most it is.

  25. Tbf by this logic Brown bought his seat too many years ago when it was cheaper.

  26. No. Because Sherrod Brown started as a State Rep in 1975. He didn’t pay a populist for an endorsement and go straight for the Senate.

  27. He also has raised $42 million since being in office and spent $41 million. Which includes his time as a state rep. It seems like they both bought their seat to me. Definitely didn't come free.

  28. Nobody wants to a watch a movie about an average everyday life, shocking I know.

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