
  1. Except most places of employment are "at-will" or whatever, so they can fire you for any reason. If you're not protected by laws, then you don't have any case, and for a lot of people, especially fast food workers, missing a single check could mean losing everything. It's not as simple as you suggest it is for the majority of people. There's knowing your worth, and knowing the harsh reality of the workplace today.


  3. My bad, right to work is what I was thinking

  4. Where the hell were they when I was in school?

  5. Sorastro has great videos, nice to follow with clear narration. He also does a decent variety of games so it’s not just one style, either. 

  6. I followed Sorastro for a long time. When he first started his Patreon he had a fairly regular schedule but that quickly fell to the way side. To his credit he only got paid when he put out a video but he went from putting out a video once every two weeks or so as an amateur to once every couple months when he started getting paid. Part of his process is he produces his own music so that’s part of what takes him so long. His skill so drastically improved that he went from a very beginner friendly channel to one that I watch just to see an awesome miniature but I can’t replicate in a fairly short time.

  7. That base was painted using uranium based paint!! 😂

  8. Read through this. It explains it pretty well.

  9. For retorting against someone who needs to touch grass? Maybe you saw yourself in that comment?

  10. That picture is from the 60’s at the latest

  11. Looks great! What did you use for your shingles?

  12. I’m thinking of doing my army in the blue and white scheme of Quenelles as well. I’ve kind of locked myself up with indecision lol

  13. I live in Missouri and that stat is absolute bullshit. Everybody here is obese.

  14. The guy in the middle, back row is metal as fuck 🤘🏻

  15. Never buy anything Bob Ross licensed. His business partners screwed his son out of everything and left him with nothing

  16. Add some snow to the base maybe? Hopefully it would read as a springtime snowfall and help tie everything together.

  17. Good job, very clean. Those things on their helms are half again the size of their bodies.

  18. It 'works' with Siptah, though I use that term loosely.

  19. Surprised as well. Definitely thought it would pass with all of the ads I saw throughout the city.

  20. Yeah, goes to show how deceptive those ads can makes things seem.

  21. It’s been out months and they haven’t done shit with it.

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