
  1. This ones making my head spin, why on earth do ariel and eric start and entire generation on their own????

  2. I want my baby blend baby blend baby blend, I want my baby blend baby blend baby blend 🍼

  3. I'm sorry fam, my theater was empty asf so I know the crew was happy bout that

  4. 100% bruh where the number pads at on the others πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’€

  5. Can his wrestling name be The Neckromancer?

  6. Is this what they were scared Eren would do? I understand now, that would Detroit nations in seconds

  7. Why would you put a snake on a leash?

  8. … just lift up one side of your ass…

  9. I bet instead of either this guy just jumps in the shower every time or has one of those booty washers by the toilet

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