
  1. Well, everyone is, as a matter of fact

  2. Porque le falta billete, unos 22cm o ser graciosos, pues

  3. Some guys collecting cards that give powers to whoever owns them. The powers are pretty random and the story is all over the place, but it has a lot of style, for what it's worth

  4. You have my same taste, which is to say: great taste! I'm pretty sure you will love these:

  5. Dejado de tener? Nunca empecé :v

  6. This one is gonna be lit. I can just tell

  7. Damn, I immediately forgot all of their real names as I kept reading.

  8. Abajo del puente del río donde cruza con Bernardo Quintana. Talvez te encuentres uno que otro drogadín dándole unas aspiraciones profundas al trapo de thinner, pero no hacen nada.

  9. Must be nice to be so basic-minded

  10. Hey, those were mine! Give 'em back!

  11. That's a genocide, doesn't count as a war.

  12. I mean isn't Russia vs Ukraine a genocide too for that matter?

  13. Hm, perhaps. But I'd counter that one was an unprompted invasion of a foreign territory while the other was based on an ethnic cleansing project that has been going on for decades. If Ukraine had given up or been unable to counter-attack, Russia would have stopped at it's annexation. Palestine, on the other hand, has been nothing short of total, disproportionate annihilation and intentional human rights violations against a very specific ethnic group that has been discreetly but illegally displaced and secluded. The indiscriminate bombing of the area including hospitals and neutral zones against a territory that has nowehere near the means of retaliating nor defending itself barely makes it a war in the traditional sense cause it's just one nation pounding on its neighbor to oblivion. Kinda like what the US did to the whole Middle East and it's people in "pursuit" of a specific organization. I guess, where I see the difference is in the overall objectives of the aggresors in each case, and whether each party involved is actually fighting back. Palestine is just getting trounced.

  14. This is the best opening song of the season, hands down

  15. My favorite video of all time is a rather obscure one:

  16. Yeah that's cool but doesn't make him less insufferable as a character

  17. Yeah, missed me with that sentimental bait-trap in trying to make him more appealing. He single-handedly drops the show's overall score by two points.

  18. From the title I thought this was going to be a while different issue lol

  19. I don’t know, my sister has refused to watch it because the animation is “so bad.” There’s at least one idiot out there

  20. Sounds like she probably doesn't like the artstyle and isn't well-versed enough in moving media jargon to express that. So many people call anything and everything "animation" without understanding the different nuances and aspects that conform a finished animated product.

  21. The one with Chowder, or whatever his name is, is hilarious

  22. I have a friend in japan who is friends with the boyfriend of a girl who does this as a living. he actually met her through this service. apparently they truly consider this a medical service. as far as I know, he apparently isn’t exactly happy that she still does this but they both understand it’s a job.

  23. Truly, a most advanced culture.

  24. Depends on where you live. Gays pay YOU where I'm from

  25. Me vale una mrd tu testícul0 de árbol y que viene de tus ancestros no se mano tu meme me recuerda a algo así que deja ver más fan arts de Mari metiendoselo a la you chan

  26. I think it's messed up and funny

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