
  1. Bro I was so mad when I found out Miami had these jerseys cause I spent over $900 for a blue one a couple weeks before going 😭

  2. What I learned is queue=not getting shit, no matter how early you are

  3. The queue fucked me over and wouldn’t let me purchase shit. I was trying to buy the zip up hoodie and it literally made me wait until it fucking sold out…

  4. Tbf he was planning on dropping in 2023 but didn’t, I was partially right 😭

  5. It’s so funny seeing these cause I know the person is getting cooked when I open the replies 💀

  6. So I’m planning on visiting the store in Miami and I’m just wondering if they take cash payments? Also do you like have to make a purchase in store for appointments? Cause I’m looking to buy a few shirts but I heard that they’re usually low on certain sizes and if they don’t have my size then I’m just planning on leaving

  7. They take cash, and credit/debit card but, never let me pay via Apple Pay. You do not need to purchase anything. I have gone several times looking for specific items and since I didn’t find what I was looking for or like anything available I left without purchasing anything.

  8. So I’m planning on visiting the store in Miami and I’m just wondering if they take cash payments? Also do you like have to make a purchase in store for appointments? Cause I’m looking to buy a few shirts but I heard that they’re usually low on certain sizes and if they don’t have my size then I’m just planning on leaving

  9. I don’t have this colorway in the long sleeve but I have the short sleeve and just by the first pic I know it’s fake. The coloring for the letters aswell as the base color is way off but the real kicker is the stitching and the bottom tag when compared to mine. Also the holes in the jersey are way too big they should be more like slits rather than actual holes so you can’t look through them I tried to attach a photo of mine but it won’t let me post it.

  10. I’m gonna grab that when I go to Cromer so I’ll send you pictures when I get one

  11. Pick isn’t usually allowed but, they blocked me right after they refunded me so I can’t even message them

  12. I’m not mad or anything btw I just thought it was weird/funny

  13. During the adin ross live she went private after adin fans started harassing her lmao


  15. I told this sub when it was my 23rd bday and I got called a dinosaur these mfs think you just drop dead at 30 or something

  16. It’s funny cause the mf who called you a dinosaur was probably 20 😭

  17. Thanks, it seems so hard to find legit chrome on grailed 😭

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