
  1. I think they should have built the cities with all the wealth and knowledge with proper drainage systems.

  2. Duolingo for Polish. But an emphasis on "mostly with the app." I finished the course while consulting Wiktionary for words and various websites for grammar.

  3. Özelleşmesine gerek yok, ama ayrıca özel demiryolu firmalarına yatırım yapmaları için teşvik verilebilir, TCDD standart oluştururken özel firmalar kapitalist prensiplerle devamlı büyüme hedefler, maliyet/kalite dengesini daha iyi ayarlar. Birçok ülkede özel firmalar devlet firmalarıyla yan yana iş yapıyor, birbirleriyle kapsama alanında, fiyatlarda, hizmette rekabet ediyorlar, bu da vatandaşın işine geliyor.

  4. It feels like that only for the first few years. Then it becomes a figurative torture.

  5. Kalp is an Arabic loanword and most loans aren't consistent with vowel harmony, keep that in mind. In this case the "l" is a soft "l" (unlike in "balon, halı, bulut" etc.) so it's more natural to follow with front vowels.

  6. It must be very tiring and stressful to perform an operation as important as that. Can understand why they need to rest afterwards.

  7. Let me sneakily hijack the top comment to recommend the movie they made about him, titled Bogowie, or Gods in English. It's pretty amazing.

  8. ingilizcede "there is nothing" diyebiliyoruz.

  9. Türkçe'yi İngilizce mantığının süzgecinden, İngilizce'yi Türkçe mantığının süzgecinden geçiremezsin. Her dilin kendi mantığı kendi fizik kuralları vardır. Ona bakarsan bu cümleyi Lehçe'de "Nic nie jest" ya da "Nic nie ma" gibi bir şekilde söylersin, Türkçe'ye direk çevirisi "Hiçbir şey var değildir" gibi bir şey olur.


  11. Maybe because she has a balanced fiber-rich diet and doesn't have chronic runny diarrhea that instantly ruins a standard 2-ply toilet paper.

  12. I'd say one is orange and the other is more a mixture of orange, salmon and one red jelly bean

  13. Kind of. A big chunk of past and present learners are refugees, immigrants and expats, but there is a small portion of hobby learners.

  14. This is plain idiotic and childish weaving in and out of traffic like that, with no protective gear of any kind. People like you are a disease in the cycling community. You're not welcome in İstanbul, asshole.

  15. Also the boom mic's red light is visible when Maurice looks down at Cal in the hole he fell in.

  16. This is a few years old. The kid is probably in his 20s as an adult now

  17. Exactly what I was thinking. I knew this was pre-covid, and the oldest I can find is

  18. No, it's not a thing. Designing sidewalks and things like that are a civil engineer's job.

  19. That's the mark of the highest quality copypasta. It's how most come into existence in the first place.

  20. Ruth-Anne explicitly says she's an agnostic in one of the episodes.

  21. Redditor discovers that fictional characters break the fourth wall sometimes.

  22. I don't remember the exact timeline of the ordeal, but I believe the age of consent is 16 in Alaska, as well as Saskatchewan. So Shelly was no child in the eyes of the law and the residents of these places. Their authorities would tell you to mind your own business and wish happiness to the couple(s).

  23. I think Joel was told about previous encounters with this fish and how some others had run out of line because the fish kept diving and diving. So that was the biggest risk he was facing when the monster kept dashing deeper with insane speed. The plan was for someone with him to bring extra line but everyone was asleep. So desperate times call for desperate decisions.

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