1. I’m commenting on a two-year old post now! Wanted to learn how to do this challenge and found the thread lmao.

  2. I love the Abbiati one! I just set up the electrocution trap onstage and fry literally anyone that comes to check out the body on stage until there is a pile of bodies so high my game crashes. You know, typical Hitman stuff.

  3. They mean just personality wise, not the missions. Abbiati has a good mission, but is annoying.

  4. Oh yeah especially if you decide to have him meet with the lawyer but you wanna kill him elsewhere. Just waiting forever.

  5. No, like, not how you kill him. The OP just thinks they're an asshole.

  6. Sims 3 had a collab with DBD? Now you can play it on the crap quality sims TV sets? WHo knew?

  7. Make it that you don't just have to touch the gen, you have to actually work on it. Let's say for 2 seconds on the gen, you get 1 second of the effect.

  8. I just hate the new way teachables work. You need to p3 Freddy for Blood Warden.

  9. Also, go to new on R/ 19684 to see my picture. I'm proud of it.

  10. 😬😂😂😂😂😂😂 2 years late but this is funny vvvv

  11. They are called crowns by the end game screen, but they are masks. And I agree, Ace's mask is awesome. One of few masks that fits the character perfectly.

  12. Deathslinger is the best no contest for me.

  13. I like Trapper's mask, but it's probably my least favorite because it's so basic. There's nothing that connects it to Trapper. If you said it belonged to somebody like Wraith, or Legion I'd believe you! (Honestly, it would have fit legion really well.)

  14. I tried to colour pick from the game and added some contrast for interest. But game references for Leon are a bit limited/old, so his hair colour may not be the most accurate. (also rushing to post before anniversary xD )

  15. I mean, his in game picture shows him with dirty blond hair, soo...

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