
  1. I wonder if that's common for the older dudes (like your dad and me) to focus more on the vocals.

  2. 34 here and I'm all about Nayeon. Though I do love Jihyo's vocals

  3. I'm no expert and am trying to recover some myself. I used a few of these

  4. That's just expensive mulch and 2-0-0 fertilizer. St. Augustine does not have viable commercially available seed. There is no seed in that product.

  5. Yea I'm aware but I did it anyways. That's why I offered alternatives and suggested OP wait for other suggestions.

  6. It's easier to treat the TV show as, ya know, an adaptation, imo. Pretend it's a different timeline/alt universe

  7. Exactly, like this is one of the series of events that you could choose in a game that spans over some of the events of multiple fallout games. That's how I take it. Not everything needs a hardcore cannon, especially on a series so hardcore in the roleplaying genre. My hotcake anyways

  8. Man unless I was doing something wrong every time I tested the vpn sites always knew where I was even though the vpn said it was connected. Also, I couldn't choose a location. I get it that it was a free service but that's also why I just didn't even use it and use mullvad instead.

  9. Lmao I have heard they have terrible customer service so I'm interested in finding out if it is indeed the same product as it's much more attainable. If it is, I'll actually probably buy one soon.

  10. Yea I saw that but same. I did a search for aliexpress and saw a few posts of people installing some. I'm tempted to DM them and ask them for some details.

  11. Did ya get the flasher module? I really like the three flashes and helps others notice me.

  12. I did not. I know nothing about the flasher module so I'll look into it!

  13. Theres a module you can install that automatically blinks your brake lights 3 times and helps hets peoples attention when braking. Try searching brake light flasher or brake light blinker module

  14. I'll take a look at it but I think I honestly just like it like this just fine

  15. Who’s in 370? Mexican guys in cap? With the golden chain and tattoos?

  16. Exactly!! Badass Mexican dudes with their chica on the passenger side. Now you're getting it

  17. I was thinking about a clothes-aside perspective but I suppose in terms of weight kid goku was definitely rounder haha

  18. You look like someone I'd love to be friends with!! So basically, you look approachable and kind so keep that going. As far as physical looks, you look pretty great as you are but like others have said, exercise will make sure to keep you looking that way long term.

  19. Look at me- Twice Signal-Twice Topline- Stray kids Kokobop-Exo Fact check- Nct 127 Crazy form- Ateez Drive- Lee know and Bangchan from Stray kids

  20. Honestly, I used to have it installed the way you are trying to install it but after some weird fluke moving the game files, I just reset my steam deck and installed via "anime launcher" and everything has been so much easier since. I've been using this way for over 4 months and haven't had any issues or bans.

  21. Oh okay! Maybe I'll try that instead then. So if I get anime game launcher, how do I make sure it saves the game to my SD instead of internal storage? Is that an easy process? Thanks in advance!

  22. I believe it asked where you want it installed before installing so you should be able to just select your SD card. Hope it helps!

  23. I have a small channel on games related to liminal spaces, particularly the backrooms

  24. Yea I wouldn't say the latter 3 pics qualify for "chunky" however, I will say that "chunky" suits you better.

  25. So no one is going to take the dragonballs and just wish to have the other 3 plus more?

  26. Thank you a lot I have only been doing this for 3 months so I'm still learning 😊 I also think that makes the hobby so great everyone has their own taste 😊

  27. Composition and editing are looking great my guy! You've got a good looking car and skills to make it stand out in these shots. Keep on learning

  28. The last part of your comment is what makes this upgrade worth it imo. Also the fact that it’s yours and if it makes you happy fuck anyone else including myself. So go you enjoy that Z

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