
  1. It’s Transistor. You’re not obsessed, you’re just giving it the attention it deserves

  2. I don't think the joke is that they haven't seen much anime, the joke is that they've only watched anime and not learned anything about real Japan, so they don't even know the name of the capital city.

  3. These reads like what I expect AI written articles to be like

  4. BSD abilities, well, some of them, though they would have to be altered to work in MHA as some are just too powerful or have an odd activation trigger like the most OP gravity manipulation or weapon efficiency or money conversion

  5. Maybe but they cut too much from the webtoon when making the anime. I just felt like it was a rush job, same with TOG and Noblesse. I’ve heard of filler but never this unholy shit

  6. My focus for original content is completely shot. Where I used to burn through books ten years ago, now I take at least a week of concentrated effort to get through a short book and there is always a part of me that wants to read some fanfiction instead because it is so much easier to read, though mostly because I avoid the shit out of fics that have OCs or anything too out there or different. Those take a bit more effort to get through, but not by much

  7. I don’t know half of these but I know that Shou is a piece of shit that deserves to burn in hell. Fuck that guy. Seriously, his twisted bullshit fucks with me to this very day.

  8. So, I ran into this issue today and I was at a loss as well until I forgot that I had my PC hooked up to a 4K TV, which set the native resolution for Cyberpunk 2077 as the same. When I manually changed the desktop resolution down to 720p resolution through the NVIDIA Control Panel, the game finally started running for me. Hope this helps

  9. The fic where Izuku goes evil and creates the Infinity Gauntlet.

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIexDBVjpic

  11. I would say Pain from Naruto. Orochimaru would also be good but I’ve always felt that Pain was both terrifying and sympathetic and he would definitely make things interesting in the MHA universe where there is rampant crime and likely discrimination and general instability

  12. Might be too powerful, though. It took Naruto getting hax jutsu with the Sage mode, and attacking after Pain exhausted himself battling the whole village, and even then he had to lose control and let Kurama run loose. And in the end, he still was able to fight but got talk-no-jutsu’d to death.

  13. All Might and AFO’s fight destroyed city blocks and both of them were weakened, not to mention Shigaraki and Gigantomachia

  14. Naruto x MHA where Orochimaru survives into the future and stumbles upon Tenko and influences him instead of AFO. Even better if Orochimaru runs across Izuku and is annoyed that he has run into some weird saintly awkward version of Naruto and has to train him up so that he doesn’t inadvertently release Kurama, which he doesn’t actually but Orochimaru has forgotten that. In the process, hero society is swept up by the thought that maybe their ancient Shinto ancestors aren’t crazy and that Orochimaru might be the multiheaded snake demon in human form that has been unleashed upon humanity, which is made worse when they discover Gigantomachia, Orochimaru’s sworn (accidental) enemy and they begin to believe that Gigantomachia is a brain damaged version of Susanoo

  15. His opening speech reads like MLA propaganda. That's probably where it comes from.

  16. See, that doesn’t make sense to me. The only thing Aizawa said about quirks was Izuku’s, specifically his ridiculous lack of control of it, which destroyed his body every time he used it. While I get why some might be upset by what All Might said, despite it being pretty true when it comes to the later parts of the manga, Aizawa doesn’t say anything like that, at least as far as I can remember

  17. personal opinion, we read to many fanfictions and everything blurs together and we don't know canon vs fanon anymore...or is it just me?

  18. Ah, the Naruto/HP effect I’ve seen in those fanfiction communities. So, I guess there are a lot of dickish, quirkest Aizawa fics out there?

  19. When Izuku has a quirk and still gets OFA. I hate it so goddam much. Give it to Melissa or an OC Quirkless person. Fuck give it to Knuckleduster. Just not Quirk! Izuku. I want to see him succeed with waterever quirk he has be it Fire-Breath ala Uchiha/Natsu an analytic Quirk, Telekinesis, fucking Kurama whatever just don't give him OFA it weakens a good idea so much and makes it so unbelievable stupid.

  20. Only time this is acceptable is if Izuku has a weak quirk that cannot be enhanced naturally and the author uses OFA to enhance it. I like those instances where authors decide that the strength aspect of OFA was purely because of All Might’s quirkless and that it is supposed to power up the user’s quirk

  21. I read one that did this in an interesting way. In the story Izuku had a “hidden quirk” like the self-transfer ability of OFA was in the first user. He could copy quirks for like 0.8 seconds by touching someone, with the side effect being he was more analytical when it came to quirks. Then after OFA he was able to copy quirks permanently but couldn’t turn it off and had a limit to the amount of quirks he could hold without damaging himself.

  22. That sounds more interesting than any other AFO-like Izuku fic I’ve come across before. Do you know what it was called?

  23. It is only reasonable for Aizawa to demand answers if it is in regards to Izuku’s poor control of the quirk in the beginning. I remember a chat fic where Aizawa goes off on All Might and Nedzu about that since Aizawa assumed Izuku had years of practice, not weeks of practice. He does state that Izuku shouldn’t be in the hero course because of the recoil effect at 100% damaging Izuku’s body and making him a liability in the field, but once again, he likely assumed Izuku had years of practice, and only in that case did Izuku deserve to be expelled as that meant he had basically no control over his quirk or that it was simply too dangerous to be controlled

  24. For the sake of discussion, let’s assume that Izuku’s had his quirk since he was four. How would Izuku actually practice?

  25. Changing quirk status isn’t the same thing as going from quirkless to having a quirk. Once again, Aizawa should have been notified because he was judging Izuku based on the assumption that he had a decade to practice. That’s important shit to know if he is considering expelling kids

  26. OP, I would like those fics please

  27. Y'all might, all mights American cousin! If you're curious, the fic is called hysterical.

  28. Snipe and All Might going along with it are hilarious

  29. I mean, I get what you are talking about, but at the same time, Shoto doesn’t seem to think of his quirk as his own innate ability alone and more of a representation of his parents. He specifically stated to Endeavor that he would only use his mother’s quirk (though this may be anime only, I haven’t read the early manga in awhile). It is important for Shoto to recognize that, good or bad, all parts of his quirk are his own. He isn’t his father, he is himself, and he will never truly accept that until he accepts that his left side isn’t his father’s but his own

  30. Strictly LN canon, it was random chance that he picked up a summoning flyer.

  31. I mean, I’m not a fan of early Issei, but having people beat him up (outside of training) is just useless. He already gets his ass handed to him whenever he goes too far (peeping hole), no need to just make it flat out unprovoked assault.

  32. Love time travel and goofy All Might mentoring/teaching Izuku.

  33. I’d argue Dumbledore. I like the guy, but he failed to stop Tom Riddle twice, hiring terrible DADA teachers, allowed Harry’s abusive upbringing to continue, and convinced one of his students to literally murder him. Never mind not preparing Harry for his role, which he knew would be necessary. Bad enough that Voldemort murdered Harry’s parents because of a prophecy overheard due to Dumbledore’s shoddy security/privacy, which he should have ensured during a time of war, but he doesn’t even ensure Harry has the tools to defend himself and wasting a year stringing him along when he could have shown him everything over a weekend and actually done something about the sudden weight that would be dropped on Harry’s shoulders.

  34. wait who dislikes dadzawa? i thought everyone was on board man

  35. It’s fine for a few fics but it gets old fast, especially when they have a tendency to bash All Might as well. I do like occasionally reading lowkey Dadzawa but they just seem overdone. That, and I really would like to read more DadMight fics, but they’re choked out by Dadzawa fics

  36. I think it would be. There is the whole “villain quirks” thing and mutant quirks discrimination. Combine that with the Hero-wanking, whatever bullshit the HPSC is doing, and Japan’s conservative (and xenophobic, from what I’ve heard) nature, I think that quirkless people would be discriminated against and it could be pretty ugly if Shoji’s backstory and the whole nut job MLA arc is any indication.

  37. Yes and no. Based on the movies he did want to rule over muggles, but he was also racist and a bit like Hitler in that he was justifying his hatred through propaganda. That conversation he had with Dumbledore in the restaurant shows that he is a racist, that he is disgusted by muggles. Don’t forget that he was involved with the murder of a muggle baby in the second prequel movie. Dude talked like it was a big sacrifice when he could have easily dropped the kid off somewhere and laid a memory charm on him. Sure, it would be more work but not as horrific as killing a kid that didn’t need to die and was absolutely no threat to him.

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