
  1. nothing stays the same, whether it’s a bond or a relationship or anything, everything changes, but we adapt to those changes. It is totally normal to feel that way, as changes mean getting out of our comfort zone and taking risks. But don’t you worry, just stay strong enough both of you, and you’ll get through it, it could in fact strengthen your bond even more. Just make sure that both of you give as much effort into the relationship, and make time for each other. You could watch something together, night calls, play together in your free time. I wish you the best

  2. If you find it easier to speak another language, then your brain tends to make sentences in the other language, that’s why it might get challenging when tryna speak arabic fluently. As a long term solution, you can read out loud, then you’ll find speaking so easy and you’d master this language with time. As a quick solution for your test, search for stuff related to the subject of your test, and record yourself talking about it, making your own sentences, with practice you’ll get there. Good luck!!

  3. Yes, I speak a few languages fluently and always resort to using them instead, I even think in my non-native languages most of the time. I'll try following your advice. Thank you for your time.

  4. Yes, I’ve noticed in most arabic lyrics that they’re written with ى instead of ي, but it’s supposed to be ي as it is pronounced with the sound “ee”.

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