
  1. This whataboutism omg they're talking about how when we protests things move and you are making a list of other issues.

  2. Under Armour qui sort le pop corn c'est rigolo aussi!

  3. Salé de ne pas avoir eu le contrat !

  4. We just ask for less delay when switching between Victor and Charlotte. Being able to recall the little monster. And being less punished when we fail a pounce.

  5. They didn't want to spoil everthing ;) ;)

  6. Poor Lynxi. They just got fixed into a manageable state too.

  7. I got a bug on Monday where i'm stuck with Victor in the middle of a game.

  8. I know but that's part of the hated campagne that was launch against France for Veto the participation of the UN to the 2nd Irak War (the one based on USA lies).

  9. It wasn't that big before Iraq, it became mainstream with some journalists using the catch phrase.

  10. That's not inspiration that was taken. It's an illustration. Stop the bad faith. They took down the cross on purpose.

  11. That's what Taken for inspiration means. You take the big lines remove the details you don't want and keep the one you want.

  12. That's a church. The cross isn't a detail. That's the main element.

  13. It's not a church it's a mosoleum (the dome is were Nalopeon is burried) The cathedral is behind the mosoleum.

  14. That's the kid than can't say Antoine Lavoisier correctly lmao idiot!!

  15. Guillaume Garot être comme: Suce avale avale!

  16. Please Russia don't nuke Paris (do it) it will be a shame noooo (it won't).

  17. I was really scared of what the unknow was going to do to this poor Wynaut...

  18. Same guys that think Fallout is a pro American anti Communist media.

  19. A lot of the things you just said describes African American communities 80-90 years ago in many parts of the south, (and the main reasons for those were segregation as well). Romani people are human beings like you and me. They do what they need to in order to survive like either of us would.

  20. Why they are driving expensive cars and trailers?? Some of them CHOOSE to this live style because they are exampted to some taxes. They get paid under the state radars and get money from here.

  21. Yes there are always a minority who find a way to abuse the things put in place to help them, I don’t get the point? (And the same things have, and are still being said about other minorities, the exceptions don’t make the rule. A few successful individuals don’t fix an entire population)

  22. They look like they're looking for public toilets and they are all occupied.

  23. A bit late to the party but the 1st DLC is mostly assets and if i understood correctly, it doesn't have gameplay elements. So it's not the same team working on it vs bugfixing. Same goes for the radio DLCs.

  24. Je me fais des quiches perso, facile a transporter pas de liquides qui risquent de couler.

  25. C'est pas une nouveauté, c'est depuis 2010 que Gandhi lance des bombes dès qu'il a la technologie de la bombe atomique.

  26. Twin being in the high efforts high reward quadrant Is crazy to me.

  27. No. People should be happy there’s a Pokémon knockoff since they haven’t done anything to improve their games in years.

  28. What do you mean it's a open wold now !

  29. Moi je bande dur mais pas pour les femmes.

  30. C'est un vrai plaisir de servir la France !

  31. Même culot quand ça parle de violences policières, le Maroc n'est pas en reste pour ça et garni régulièrement ses geôles de prisonniers politiques.

  32. Cest la même chose que ceux qui nient les violences policières, tant que ca leurs arrive pas a eux ca existe pas.

  33. USA when roundabout exist (best intersection ever) ^

  34. Doesn’t make much sense for a highway interchange and it takes up too much space

  35. It's not a highway they placed a road in between.

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