
  1. "back in the 90s" has been my ringtone for almost a year now. Never gets old

  2. Is it available for iPhone? I’d kill for some Bojack themed songs as my ringtone

  3. Idk about Iphone. But my moto lets me use YouTube music as ringtones and alarm clocks. I'd check your settings to see if you can do the same

  4. Idk about Iphone. But my moto lets me use YouTube music as ringtones and alarm clocks. I'd check your settings to see if you can do the same

  5. Biggest difference between her and Andrew was that Andrew actually grew up. Danielle remains 14 years old in her behaviour.

  6. Yeah who has their 10 year old help build sex toys?

  7. I hope this lady gets put on the no fly list. Behavior like this needs consequences

  8. Remember friends Armed gays don't get bashed If you are a minority who's scared of racist armed people don't get bashed

  9. NTA. Call her bluff. If she leaves the kid at home by himself call CPS

  10. They have a sweet pineapple one too that goes well with homemade orange chicken

  11. I can't wait to see the finished piece!

  12. I love when you find little stuff like this! Thanks for sharing?

  13. As someone who works at a pharmacy delivery driver not a pharmacist or pharm tech most of the time they can't fill it early because of certain rules and laws. At least if it's some kind of controlled substance type medication

  14. What is with this title? Turn 30th years old?

  15. Are you saying that the baby will die if left alone for 5 minutes? She’s literally inseparable from the baby!

  16. Wow like why did you even become a parent?

  17. NTA. Tell them they better start saving for a nursing home.

  18. NTA. You shouldn't be made the butt of the joke to make others feel better

  19. Torturing a puppy is more a Joffrey thing than what Aegon would do. Aegon doesn't actively seek to cause pain, but is just entirely oblivious to the pain he causes in others ("It was just harmless fun"). More likely he stepped on the puppy without noticing.

  20. The man bets on children fighting to the death his own bastards included

  21. I reread this book this week and I was in tears at this scene 😭

  22. Women's hygiene products also tend to be higher quality, and carry better ingredients than male 5 in 1's. I buy female marketed body wash, face wash, and hair care products because male equivalents are awful.

  23. Women's razors also have that soft gel like stuff on it that cuts down on razorburn. My bf loves using it. He says they are much better than the generic men's razors

  24. You are a saint. My sisters and I plan on having kids at the same time and this list is perfect

  25. May I ask why you want to all have children at the same time

  26. There's a couple reasons. We grew up with very toxic family members who are either dead or cut off now and we want to try hard at the big happy family thing. We also want to do pod schooling together! That's where we hire a teacher to come in and teach our kids instead of relying on the public school system. We figured it's cheaper to go in together than try to do it separately.

  27. You're mentioning Reiner, but not Annie? She even admitted she didn't feel bad for killing people, whereas we watched Reiner develop a mental illness.

  28. I don't like Annie too much either but it was Reiner who decided to attack the mall in the first place because he didn't want to return a "failure"

  29. Take a page out of AA. Fake it till you make it! And if you fail and fall on your face well then you just learn what not to do the next time :) signed someone who faked confidence until it came

  30. I have a male cousin named Ocean and I think it's a cute name

  31. Was she flaunting her affair all over social media and making it known that someone else was the father? Was the bio father present during the delivery?

  32. This was in the early 90s so social media wasn't quite a thing yet but she had been caught several times having an affair by other family members. It was her drug dealer. He ran off to Mexico so he wasn't there for the delivery

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