
  1. MOD says no political name calling. President Evil? Stay classy dems 🤙🏼

  2. Guys never really grow up, they just get older. I love this.

  3. It fairly inexpensive and it’s better than my much more expensive “we the people” holster. It’s the DeSantis. Great IWB

  4. Looks awesome!! We have one as well. You’re going to use this 1-3 times, put it away and never use it again.

  5. Cam phaser recall. Same happened to my 2018. Take it to the dealership and they should fix it for free.

  6. What the hell did she just say Lmaoo. Guess Biden’s cognitive decline is rubbing off on his supporters now too. Prob will get banned for this comment.

  7. Prob such a great price in CA since they won’t give you a permit to buy it. Just like to taunt you lol

  8. Looks like an extreme left, extreme right convo going on here. Two people just spewing nonsense.

  9. You are doing just fine for 20 years old. Keep working hard and invest what you can afford. Live well below your means for at least the next 10 years. Coming from someone also from NJ, we live in an expensive state so just keep working hard man, you’re on the right path.

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