
  1. Some enclosures on this sub look similar to that and yall saying they are beautiful

  2. T keepers refer to our Ts with the Latin name because there are so many common names for the same species it's confusing. Ex. White knee, Brazilian white knee, Brazilian white banded bird eater, black and white bird eater giant white knee and several others are all common names for Acanthoscurria Geniculata. The latin names are much easier when dealing with forums so EVERYONE knows what you are referring too.

  3. I always hate when all avicularias are refeered as pinktoes, its just in english speaking countries. European keepers refer to them with latin

  4. I mean, I am not hard-core so I would use its regional name. I just want one Arizona Blonde.

  5. You dont have to be hardcore to use proper names, its just good etiquette

  6. A jeżeli to niebyłby pies tylko dziecko na rowerze

  7. To też byłaby wina właścicieli xd

  8. Czyli winą rodziców byłoby to że ktoś nie uważał na drodzę i zajebał im dzieciaka, nice

  9. Z tą tajemnicą to tak średnio, znam opowieści od ministrantów jak mieli beke czasami z głupoch rzeczy które ludzie mówili, nie ma po prostu szans że osobiście pójde jakiemus losowemu dziadkowi powiem wszystko co zrobiłem źle, ale i tak najważniejsze że tobie pomaga

  10. This is for Gówniak, when there is on, if there is more its like Goo-v-nya-ki (ki like in the word king)

  11. "Hitler wasn't oppressing my people"

  12. Sorry for your loss, but if there was a way to bypass it, it would be a useless feature. The data is locked/encrypted with his pin, and without it, it is not recoverable :(

  13. Can i try to give it to samsung service? Or even disassemble phone to try to recover data

  14. He is black and praises german nazis, how interesting

  15. It’s for show. I think they pushed him to the edge. And because so many people were making so much money off of him I think he committed “career suicide” to limit the amount of money people could make off of him, while retaining enough wealth for him and his children. The dude has F U money. I genuinely think this is the actions of a man who has been pushed to the edge by the media and pretty much everyone else. So he said fuck it and is reverting to scortched earth policy. You don’t become a billionaire by being stupid.

  16. Tbh that makes sense, but still amount of stress in music industry could cause some mental problems

  17. I bet she and her second chin thinks that fatphobia is real

  18. What would happen if you build tiananme square in minecraft and post there along with minecraft tank man

  19. No ballz to post video of you trying to set like seed 0 but it starts with title screen and this splash text

  20. They're fine alone. I have my betta boy in a 20 gallon and he's super happy. He lived briefly in my 75 gallon community tank and he hid 100% of the time. He was miserable. He likes his own tank and he is always out and about.

  21. Yeah but 70 litres is a bit too much for one fish, it will frel empty

  22. It's not like he's in a barren, empty tank. It's so densely planted (about like OP's) I sometimes can't find him without looking. I understand wanting to pack as many fish as possible into a tank, it's just not necessary or desirable for the fish a lot of times.

  23. Not as many as you can but just enough to make it not look like its empty something like white cloud mountain minnow would work

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